I love this manga more and more.
I feel sorry for #teamAya, but surely Aya will not end up as the winner.
This manga takes to a whole different level. That's why this published on Dessert magazine (more serious romance, not fluffy or simple sweet romance). But, that doesn't mean this is a mature romance either. It's about consideration.
Chapter 27 already answered everything, I could clearly see Mitsuki's feelings towards Aya.
"Aya is my emotional support"
She thought of him as a best friend. No more than that. Everything is a one-sided feeling from Aya. But the good thing is that she's not a stupid girl who blatantly hurts, she realizes there's something different from Aya (Aya is a boy to begin with), and she considers it.
I will not blame Mitsuki for choosing Towa. Mitsuki fell in love with Towa, not just how she reacts when a guy is nice to her, it's different and that is love, you cannot force her "Aya is much better, you stupid girl."
I don't want to see people think like that, Towa just isn't too prominent and you criticize him for being too ordinary. Except Towa is a rude, a bad boy and the girl is total masochist.
The matter that continues to be disputed is about the whole childhood thing. I like this concept that goes in a quite serious direction.
They are basically teenagers, not children anymore.
The most painful thing is that Aya has to give up and risk the rope of their friendship to pursue their relationship between men and women.
"Can you see me as I am now?"
On the other side, Mitsuki took the right choice not to date directly with Towa. She restrained himself because she do cares for him. It's the most bittersweet moments more than Ao Haru Ride's childish love. It's another way to express sad feelings.