"Hasshaku-sama (八尺様, lit. "Ms. Eight-feet-tall") is the titular monster of a 2008 fictional ghost story that was posted in "Let's gather up seriously, deadly scary stories, shall we? (死ぬ程洒落にならない怖い話を集めてみない?)" thread/topic of 2channel's Occult Board. This is regarded as one of the best stories in the thread.
Essentially a female Slender man, she stalks and kills (or rapes) her young targets when they're out in the open space after seeing her tall visage. She makes her presence known with her signature laugh "Po, po, po..." with a somewhat masculine voice.
Her usual depiction is a tall woman with large to huge breasts with long, black hair. She's usually depicted wearing a white sundress and a sun hat."