@Daxar Interesting, and kind of what I was expecting; certainly wasn't implying I thought you were wrong without any further info. I'm aware -chan and -kun in relaxed and/or affectionate contexts are not as black and white as they seem at face value. I was curious because the ch 26, based on its translation uses -kun instead and those two suffixes are unlikely to be confused in the sense of just reading it. Megakaryocyte directly speaks about Backward Cap when evaluating everybody, but without a raw of that chapter I wouldn't be able to look at the exact phrasing to see if there's anything specific that isn't just relying on the -kun usage to imply context. This series is mainly being penned by one of the storyboard writers for the show adaptation, so I guess she's probably just doing her own thing, in absence of any other info. All the same, super excited this being translated, now I think all that's left is Bacteria at Work, which has yet to be licensed or tackled by fans.
Update: Found the 26 raws, Backward Cap is addressed with -chan in that too, so we can conclude the translation floating around the internet is inaccurate since one should not confuse reading the two, it's an improbable misread. The pages used have a Chinese sourced watermark on them, so it is possible their source already had a context error in it.