Hayate no Gotoku! - Vol. 52 Ch. 569 - The Future Since Then

Jan 26, 2018
So the question I have is, "How did Maria find out her true parentage and her relationship to Hayate?" Man, this Maria stuff wasn't set up at all in the manga. If anything, folks were speculating that Maria was the final boss or something silly. But there was never any exploration of Maria, so this feels like made up BS.
Sep 11, 2019
I feel like Maria and Athena being long lost sisters makes a lot more sense since their issues revolve around the loss of their family (Athena lost her parents due to an accident which explains why she can get to the royal palace in the first place)
Active member
Nov 24, 2019
the maria thing fucking shocked me the most but i guess it makes sense her name was kept secret for so long
Aggregator gang
Nov 5, 2019
You know, I was expecting Makina to stay with Sakuya or something cause of hamburgers. I. Just. See. It.

Hayate working with Kotetsu lmao. So is it mustache man's electronic company?

I got spoiled about Maria halfway through the manga so I'm not that much surprised.

It's depressing to think that the last time we get to see Ayumu was her giving up on Hayate and crying.

What a let down for Nagi. What happened to the trillion copies? I guess BL sells nowadays.

Well, that's the end. God I feel bored now. This was a good three weeks worth of reading. Now I don't have something to read as long and enjoyable as this.

Time to go back on reading his latest work, Tonikaku Kawaii. Might reread it so I can see the references to Hayate that I haven't noticed.
Apr 21, 2020
Well this truly the end for my last post shortly back but i suddenly remembered did hayate every returned the watch to the old man? If he did can anyone tell me when? Anyway this truly is the end for a long journey... well i do hope i would find another manga to fill this hole in heart.

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