Hazure Skill de SSS-Rank Makyo Ikinui wo Tara, Sekai Saikyou no Renkinjutsushi ni Natteita ~ Kaiteki Kyoten wo Tsukutte Nakama to Tanoshi Isekai Life…

Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2020
What kind of exp calculations do you use for a single last hit kill to bump you to 95?

That's like, killing a level 250 in disgaea or something.
it is really common to isekai to have this odd exp calculation because they quite often ignore the exp cost requirement increase after each level, heck in some isekai, they increase more lv than the lv of the monster they just beat too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Another OP alchemist story huh....
We know this one ain't going to have an anime adaptation.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
So, despite her being openly crappy - how likely is it gonna end up trying to convince us that the "saint" is a good person? I'll be pleasantly surprised if not, cause right now the four other summons are at best morons and at worst just pure garbage people. Betting the demons aren't gonna be bad either, and this king is just a greedy bellend.

Otherwise a decent start, I'll give it a few more chapters to flesh out more before final judgment.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
This actually "how to use the fortify restoration loop alchemy" in ANOTHER WORLD!!!

Way to go. Cucks included.

All weeb audiences targeted in one chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
I mean, if I'm the writer (I'm not), I'd never bring them up again. There's just nothing interesting there, as opposed to the MC dealing with his circumstances.

As the saying goes, living well is the best revenge.
Too bad you can't say that to the author.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
story start with about MC show mercy the middle part show him kill gobin and stole it herb. wot8
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Put in spoiler so it doesn't half fill someones page when scrolling. Discusion of Issues of this series already and how serious it is from a narrative point.
So I just wanna do a longer post here cause later in my day I realised how stupid this chapter really is.

Let's talk about the characters we know of so far and thier issues:

MC - Like I mentioned earlier in my first post, MC has Alchemy but it's just that why is his called Alchemy and not something like Master Alchemy or the lie? Why do I say this? Cause everyone else has things like Hero, Saint, Witch and Destruction God. Not only this but while they are talking about him in a way that defo implies they wanna kill or in the least get rid of him he's just casually reading his abilities.

Other summons - I'm gonna lump these guys altogether with a special note about the Saint.
Saint - The only non-murderhobo if her body language is to be believed, sure she calls the MC pitiful for some reason but in the least she looks really uncomfortable about the Hero telling MC to die simply for the whole 3 men 2 women part.
Others - All look to be high schoolers, probably from the same school considering what "Hero" says. Not only do they all look like delinquints but are all from our world and 1st worlder people and they are totally ok with killing a classmate over the fact that theres 3 males and 2 females? If I was the females I'd be horrified about this aswell as the King on these turns of events. So this all feels highly unrealistic at best and downright stupid writing to have the beginning happen at worst.

King - Watches his summoned heros literally advocate and offer to murderhobo a fellow summonee for no reason outside of a gender imbalance and he was no good at sport...... If I was King I'd be sweatin bullets that my "Saviors" are acting like this minute 1.

Here we get into the meat and potatoes of why this series is like #1874553 in these kinds of series.

  • While we haven't seen it yet, I would bet money 1000% that the humans will be the bad guys, demon people the oppressed and altruistic and the church will be eeeeevil.
  • MC is deemed useless without confirming anything and transported into a deadly remote location and/or dungeon (both in this case) but is in actual fact the most powerful.
  • MC's class will make no sense immediately as he'll as always be a jack of all trades master of all. We've already seen from lvl1 he could not only outrun but even somewhat fight things way above his level like the cockatrice. Makes no sense from a support class like he has.
  • Saint will eventually join MC's Harem, prolly 4th or 5th girl. She'll be horrified by the others actions (That after the castle bit shouldn't suprise her in the least) claim that she was too scared or whatever to defend MC (Which makes no sense considering her pitiful comment) and that she always liked him before the transportation.
  • MC gets a slime and dragon ally pet. Both will end up becoming waifu's although the slime may stay in mascot style the entire time.
  • No revenge tag so I feel like either underwhelming consequences to the murderhobo others or MC will forgive them to some extent.... (if it does either of these I'll insta drop the series.)

What makes no sense is how MC went from lvl1 to lvl95 from killing that 1 Goblin General, sure from the Orc king crystal it has I assume it's a bigshot monster but still what level is it like 1000? If it was so high level then how did it take so much damage from falling? Or in the least no regen skill that will prevail the series later (Cause you know it will)?

With that said I'm betting it will be within a few chapters we get revealed that the summoned are suffering cause they can't level up efficiently at all or just at all cause they don't have the support skills MC clearly has. Also we'll see Saint being hit on and refusing and either an attempted rape or getting away before a rape (Although this may happen later after at least the dragon is added) which again begs the question why Saint is even staying with them the entire time especially after what happened to MC (Assuming she is a waifu and not just as bad as them).

Like talked about earlier for sure the world building will be Humans super bad (or in the least the leaders), Demons the good guys and a church thats propergating a false narrative and are suppppppper eeeeevil. While super tropey and lazy it usually also hints te author can't think of anything new so this just becomes a number on series doing the exact same crap. Infact the fact that the first chapter starts by showing a waifu and slime as a spoile... I mean interest of things to come shows that they knew it was so generic that we had to at least see a waifu now and not wait like 2-3 volumes in the least before we do.

By the end of the 1st chapter I bet $1 million dollars MC is already stronger then the other summoned will ever be, but even then King is stupid to get rid of a support class like that. Just have him crank out potions and the like? Why rely soley on the Saint (Who will for sure like all these series be overworked from being too altruistic and needed) and as said MC who clearly has the crafting stuff they'll be under equiped. All this is why I have no hope cause the retribution for MC's betrayal here will be nada, nothing, bubkis, finite, zero and that just as a reader makes it frustrating cause then why even read the story?

If it's just a basic MC adventures around being OP and solving issues then why even bother having the betrayal arc? Why not just be straight reincarnation or summoned but didn't appear with the summons? Also if this world has gods (or just the spell for summoning in general) why would it/the gods pick clearly evil people to be the heroes? Why is there a crystal that teleports people into the middle of a SSS tier dungeon thats also a forest? Can't they just use that crystal to teleport the demon king? It's all these questions that make me feel like not only is this just a massive by the numbers clone but it's being done by an amateur.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
i guess most ppl stick to 'safe' formulas than taking risks but you'd think ppl would try to be more unique to stick out unless they just wanna draw fanservice lol

Or if you wanna go full conspiracy theory on like "all the manga publishing companies/online sites are overflooding the reader markets with isekais on purpose so they can make the next trend stick out more"
Read this chapter cause I saw your post and wanted to participate in the conspiracy; the only problem I think I can see is that there's TOO much isekai/RPG-lite content, to the point where it feels like there's no plan.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
i guess most ppl stick to 'safe' formulas than taking risks but you'd think ppl would try to be more unique to stick out unless they just wanna draw fanservice lol
That is the entertainment industries in most of the world. Why do you think Hollywoood has done so many reboots and spin offs.

Makes no sense why humans from our world would wanna kill off a guy for such a stupid reason especially immediately on summon.
Honor and ego, the standard reason in these stories still apply. Also them thinking of the summoned individuals as weapons and not as people is likely part of it, you do just discard a failed weapon.

They normally want to claim the summoning was as great a success as possible, and a failed "useless" summon lowers the quality over all. 4/4 superb individuals looks better then 4/5 were superb individuals.

Plus not killing him would mean they are honor bound to help him adapt to their world, which costs resources, killing him (or teleporting him to his doom, is effectively free.

To be fair, I don't know that they're saying Alchemy is useless, per se, just that, for a summoned hero, it's incompetent when compare to Hero, Destruction God, Witch and Saint; it could be that they know how useful Alchemy is, but since it's a non-unique skill, maybe it's just really common out in the world?

That said, MC's Alchemy seems like a really powerful, useful skill that anybody with intelligence and creativity could really make full use of.

The MC could have (well likely does have) a special version, it could also be lucky kill leading to the massive early leveling gives him an advantage.

A linear vs quadratic growth scenario, lots of stories have worlds where the common sense is based on early leveling, and classes/skill sets are discarded because of early difficulties. Not having skill tree/leveling guides and only having one life to live will affect the risks people take in early levels. It could be a case where there is some limiting factor like maybe speed of use, that reduces as he levels, but keeps most uses out of combat for to long for them to be able to reach the point they can use the skill in combat.

We do not know the common sense of the world, and applying the common sense of other worlds (which we see to many do when they make claims based of how it works in another story/IP/etc) would be idiotic.

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