Heavenly Moon

Apr 23, 2023
Read few chapters. All I can say is that MC is a simp and I don't really like it.
Jan 15, 2023
Tried to like the manhwa so badly cause the concept sounded great but it has the same issue of manhwa and manga with an overpowered MC which is the MC isn't moving the plot or aiming for anything but the plot is moving the MC. Sure the MC's "goal" is protecting his sister but the he doesn't show any growth besides when the story needs him to somewhat beat a stronger opponent. He doesn't even protect the sister properly since he himself has admitted to making situations worse or not even going along with her plans which then has the consequences of putting her in danger. So his goal isn't to protect his sister so now what moves the plot is the sister. Sure we can have two MC like hopefully I'm correct about this but then the issue is having one MC terribly fleshed out.

Which leads this issue I have is the little sister has shown growth to how she became savvy, smart, and cunning from her experience but the MC doesn't have any of that. He was a war slave since he was a kid but he doesn't have a single skill from that time to show how he survived. How he behaves now and his experience doesn't match cause he's ignorant in fighting, war, and even basic survival like his past was just to excuse his aesthetic. He rushes in every fight, can't discern strong from weak, doesn't have any skills from fighting, assassinating, or even basic preservation even when the author threw in the excuse "those 20 martial artists just didn't notice you or you were lucky" like 3 is understandable for that excuse but 20 is just too ridiculous.

All of these issues keeps going well into chapter 63 and if the foundations of the stories are this bad what the author builds upon the story just isn't good since sure the sister has a hard life and blames her brother but the brother is just used for cannon fodder, a gag, and a throw away for the author to move the plot with a somewhat unique character design. Honestly wanted to like it but its a 30/100
Jan 22, 2024
I usually don't give a rating on manga until 4 long-chapters in, or 10 chapters for manhwas and short-chapter mangas. Things could get a lot better after, but first impressions matter when one considers getting their money's worth. Moving on...

Yeah, just like these comments above, it needs better translation, but even then the story is 'meh' for most part. Art style isn't to my taste, but that's just personal. What bugs me is someone who somehow has basically gotten lucky in battle over 20 times (over what appears to be over a decade) at the start of chapter 1, and yet as soon as he gets into any actual fight that's not on a battlefield he gets whooped.

Either this story has a reeeeeally slow start, or I can expect less character development than a p*rn-hwa. Either way, I'm not going to mangle my brain to figure out what is actually being said in these text bubbles. I'll maybe give it another shot if some good translator redoes all these chapters. Infernal Void Scans is who I am avoiding here, and I won't read the next 5 chapters just to see if Manhwa Freak is good for once (Manga Freak has been 50/50, but ManhwaFreak has usually been a miss), or 20 chapters after that to see if UToon is a good translator.
Jul 20, 2024
I don't see any comments praising this series, nor do I see any that make sense (at least to me). So I guess I'll be the first to praise it? Oh and while I do agree with some points Akaptor made, there's some I don't agree with. Our opinions differ at some points, but I get where he is coming from. I believe they could've done a better job at some parts of the series, and with some stuff explained earlier instead of after 100 chapters, would have also helped with explaining certain events. At least we got some sort of explanation later rather than never. E.g. being how he survived during war despite being a common soldier.

Anyway moving on, most series have different plots, different driving forces or paces. Some Mcs are op, some arent. In this series you have an MC that is weak but tenacious, he survives in wars and that's his only strong point, until he actually learns martial arts. However here's the thing... While most series focus solely on the MC, this series does not. It actually has a secondary MC (his sister), and a world that doesn't revolve around the MC. He is one of the many slaves aka victims. World building in this series is a thing and you learn more about it as the plot progresses and different ARCs are introduced. One thing remains constant, the country is at war, civil war and these wars are always present. So this is a War series with a mix of politics, merchantry, personal character growths and other things. Usually it's the other way around, most martial arts series focuses on the MC with everything else being secondary unless there's a big bad enemy involved. But there's no such thing here, and Imo this makes this series stand out a bit. It's harder to tell a good story when there's no clear antagonist.

Also it's funny how people read 3 chapters and decide to judge the series, someone even commented that MC is a simp... wtf. How? Cause he follows his sister? The one person he fought in wars for, survived in hell for? Lmao, apparently finding and sticking to your family is simping, especially when you've been kidnapped away from them and thrown into war with no way of knowing if your family is dead or alive. Reuniting and staying together equals simping??? LOL. Also not every series need character development or plot development to happen instantly, there are many ways to tell a story. I think it's fine to slowly build up a characters strengths while focusing on many different aspects. One thing they do in this series is develop a characters emotional side and not just raw power. There's things like drama and inner conflicts, understanding/acceptance and trauma. The siblings have been through shit, it's normal to see them struggle to make sense of it all.
I like that the MC isn't ignored in any of the ARCs, but he isn't also the only thing that matters. Anyway, I like this series and hope others that read my comment end up doing so too. It can feel a bit slow but that's how it is when you read a war series with a mix of politics with no clear villain. Mc and Mc's sister are both mvps which surprised me, since I was sure I'd hate the sister due to the early chapters, but the authors writing makes her likeable and her situation and thinking understandable.

So for anyone seeking an OP MC that blasts everyone off in chapter 2, this isn't a series for you. Also, if there's anything this series suffers from BIGTIME it's the dog shit translations. Not only does it not make sense in the early chapters, but later on there's typos (he/she), and weeb-speech (using part foreign, part english) language. I don't get why they don't just stick wiith one of them. EIther keep the names etc in the original languages, or translate the shit properly to english. Hope someone picks this up and gives this series a proper translation, cause it deserves one.
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Fed-Kun's army
Apr 8, 2018
This manwha's just alright. It's not spectacular, it's not terrible. Yes, the translations are rough for far too long, but they improve with subsequent scanlators - and beggars who are choosers go hungry. There's a decent cast of characters, reasonably likable, though some disappear for a while. The series has its lethargic moments and also its strides. In any case, at least there's some hot chicks in here, and that's a rarity for a lot of manwha of this type.

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