Helck - Vol. 12 Ch. 106.2 - Epilogue (2)

May 20, 2020
Don't forget you are reading a *GAG* manga.

So the hell with "I need someone to die", "I am okay if she/he dying", "it's better she/he dying in the end".

Go find drama/tragedy main genre manga out there. This manga isnt place for that kind of story. This is fairy tale story that always make imposibble dream come true.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2019
The hell did deleteTF even continue reading this for? He started complaining about the ass pulls quite a few chapters ago.
From the start it was a gag manga and then almost shounen like. So theirs obviously gonna be some not serious moments or just "ass pulls"
Where they just defeat a strong opponet out of nowhere cause of convenience.
Honestly it wasn't that bad and the fights were for the most part within reason.
Can't believe this manga Started in 2014 and ended around 2017 dec. so been finished for a while.
Pretty good considering author/artist only has a few works done.
I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 14, 2020
If anybody deserved a golden happy ending it’s our boy Helck so fuck off with the bittersweet ending stuff
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Considering the amount of comedy in this series, did anyone seriously not expect a happy ending? It just wouldn't match for a series with a ridiculous dog man who can remove his ears to have a grimdark "everyone he loved died" ending.
Active member
Jan 29, 2021
9.5/10! Its not perfect but it was an awesome read. Oldie but goldie. This was a gag and comedy manga, turned grimdark, turned shounen, etc. Also commending the author for making me laugh at one chapter then making me sad at the next one. And the creepy fucking faces of the transformed ones. Jesus, nightmare fuel shit over here.
Jan 29, 2021
It was a great manga. I loved every bit of it and went thriugh every emotion, from happy, to sad, to crying, to angry, to happy again. 11/10 xD
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
A thought: Helk has always been, and still is, acting according the Will of the World, even if he doesn't know. When he was contacted, he was told that this world full of suffering needed to change, and that's exactly what he did.
To my understanding (headcanon?) the Will of the World is an agent of change, neither "good" nor "evil", just "change"; a sort of evolutionary pressure, if you want. It doesn't care about by whom and how this change is brought, it only abhors stagnation and the maintenance of the status quo. As such, the 1500 years old plan of Mikaros HAD to come to a conclusion: it didn't mattered whether with a success or a failure, it just needed to give space to a new change. Since he was talking his sweet time, the WoW started increasing the number of Contacted, either to aid or thwart him, however the King's interference prevented the new change to come into fruition, until a new agent strong enough (Helck) appeared on the scene.
Heroes, Awakened, Contacted, they are all the same: people on the brink of desperation (the ones more incentivised to change the world around them) that were given exceptional power to change their situation. Once they got the power, it was no longer a matter of wanting, their own existence would have brou change to those around them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
I am somewhat disappointed with the ending. It was great somewhere up until the human king but then it dropped in story quality in favor of Naruto-esque escalation, which was quite uncalled for - especially since from the Empire's perspective it's a rather large, but still quite backwater, conflict. And "everyone lives" is an underwhelming ending. Could have killed a couple of secondary characters tbh.
Ah well, you take what you can get.

Yes, I also wish the it was a smaller story, and that people died and it talked more about how the humans are flawed and need to improve as people compared with the demons.

But still, the "greatest friendship story ever told" was beautiful.
Active member
Aug 11, 2023
Binged this manga after catching up with episode 5 of the anime and being really interested. Gotta say, it had its ups and downs, especially nearing the end with quite the dragged out battle process imo, but all in all, it’s a well thought-out plot, for what is kinda a gag manga that switched over to a more serious tone. 10/10 for me in terms of enjoyment.
Oct 18, 2023
it's funny to see disappointment on "everyone lives" at the end. i personally prefer bittersweet kind of ending, but not everything is going to be bittersweet, especially when it doesn't make sense at all just for the sake of being "bittersweet"
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
I'm okay with an everyone lives ending for this considering everyone was sort of dead to begin with and only got more dead as the story progressed.

Also liked how despite the scale of the conflict growing it's portrayed as kind of normal for the empire to deal with (never stated to ever reach the threat level of the northern conflict). Author could have easily gotten carried away and started throwing new ever more powerful members of the empire at the threat but showed restraint in not doing that which is a pitfall many stories fall into.

The multiple successive final boss battles were a tad excessive though, it was really straining with the human king fight which is probably why the original big bad came back as well as the more humorous punctuations in that battle.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
Never mind the "nobody dies but the bad guy" ending, despite all the drama introduced with the flashback arc it was quite obvious.

But am I the only one disappointed with this ship not sailing?!
I also loved Alicia during her arc, but she completely ceased to be a character shortly after her introduction, Edil and Zell got more time as characters post awakening than her. She had the most potential yet it was not utilized.

After everything Vamirio just says goodbye? Cut that "very precious friend" crap.

The "final battle" was waaayyyy too long and escalated needlessly imo, the story was really tight before that and just so solid in every way that it was greater than I expected, but this puts it down again.

Also I think if you go with a happy ending like this, you could as well just have killed "the will of the world" for real - Helcks reason to depart on a journey still remains.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Never mind the "nobody dies but the bad guy" ending, despite all the drama introduced with the flashback arc it was quite obvious.

But am I the only one disappointed with this ship not sailing?!
I also loved Alicia during her arc, but she completely ceased to be a character shortly after her introduction, Edil and Zell got more time as characters post awakening than her. She had the most potential yet it was not utilized.

After everything Vamirio just says goodbye? Cut that "very precious friend" crap.

The "final battle" was waaayyyy too long and escalated needlessly imo, the story was really tight before that and just so solid in every way that it was greater than I expected, but this puts it down again.

Also I think if you go with a happy ending like this, you could as well just have killed "the will of the world" for real - Helcks reason to depart on a journey still remains.
What im hearing is vamiro needs to do a threesome with helck and alicia

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