Help me find a manga I forgot the name

Apr 23, 2018
It's about a plain villager (if I remember correctly his name should be Wataru) who is engaged with his childhood friend, but she turns out to be some kind of saint or something like that and joins the hero's party to defeat the demon lord. When she comes back she marries the hero and the protagonist runs away from home. He ends up in a mountain at the verge of dying but a little dragon (I think her name is Mear) finds him and feeds him a strange fruit that gives him super sprength, makes him virtually invincible and also allows him to eat anything without getting sick or dying, but also reduces his humanity. The dragon gets attached to him and the start traveling together to heal his broken heart. He also has a status card that allows him to communicate with the goddess who is heads over heels for him. The last thing I remember is him meeting the dragon's parents who are having a marital fight and the wife ends up returning with her mother, but the MC convinces the husband to apologize and they make peace, they also end up engaging the MC with their daughter but he thinks they are just pulling his leg.

And to be a little more specific the manga has two versions but the first one was cancelled and is now being redone with a different artist. I read this a long time ago but I forgot to follow it and I can't for the life of me remember titles in japanese.
Apr 23, 2020

googled dragon mear manga and redit post about this was first result
Apr 23, 2018
That's the one, thanks a lot. I tried looking it with the MC name but it was Wazu, not Wataru, I should have tried with Mear.

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