help me remember the title, it was a bit psychotic and gory manga

Fed-Kun's army
May 5, 2018
So I read this manga maybe 4-5 years ago. the memories are really hazy.
So, both were fantasy genre, seinen
The first one was fantasy, the set place was modern day, the MC was a teen/young adult, crazy and has a twisted personality, maybe a psycho, and the heroine if i'm not wrong, The MC once called her as "my queen" or something like that, at some point the heroine then died after she was attacked by a helicopter, but turned out she didn't die and went berserk like a beast. like a berserker.

the second one is really hazy and fragments in my memories. Maybe it was a school x war themed cuz i remember they wore outfits, i forgot the MC, but there was this scene, a group of people, with their captain (maybe a student prez idk), a girl and has a boyfriend in that group too. While the groups lookin around the area, suddenly her boyfriend's head was blown away outta nowhere by a rifle bullet and things went chaotic. and not long after that the capt lost her arm, something or someone cut it off. If i'm not wrong she had a sword.

Thanks for your time to read these shitty explainings. Thanks in advance.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2018
is it this?

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