Here U Are - Vol. 1 Ch. 137.3 - Side Story 3

May 8, 2019
Aaaaaaahhhh!!! Oh I hope he realizes his feelings soon!! I just love these two💓💓💓 thank you for the update!
Dec 6, 2019
Yeeeesssss 🥺😭💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you sooo much for the chapter 🙏🏻💛💛
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Well, so much for the Best Friends route...

I’m disappointed... I was happy to see BL that was different. That had a straight character.
May 30, 2020
Thanks for your hard work!

My god! Six years and Huan Wen still hasn’t confessed!? How patient can you be??
Jun 3, 2020
Oh no please don't magically turn him gay. Gay guys can be friends with straight guys too!
Feb 27, 2020
'Please don't turn him gay' 'they could just be friends and not be forced into that mold for sake of story'

I... Don't think that is what is happening here. Huan wen has been established as a well liked, well known guy. I am sure he has had friendships with straight people, as well as crushes on some of them too. Just, he has had few close people because he has always suppressed a part of himself. Even from Yang yang, who is supposedly his best friend in this entire series. For introspective people like him, it is not uncommon.

This is about his story of finding love. He might find one, no? Why does it have to be with an established homosexual dude?

Do remember that Yuan is a college grad. So, what, 24 to 27 years old? He is still at an age where he can explore aspects, reaches and limits of his sexuality. I am 27, and am still discovering something about myself. It is not a far stretch for him to fall in love with a man, even with a history of dating women. Bisexuals exist, pansexuals exist. Asexual Biromantics exist (closest I can get to Demisexuals without cringing tbh).

Normally, the whole 'everyone's gay' trope annoys me too. But in this instance, I think that if (yes, I am not discounting that this story might just be of friendship, unlikely as it seems) they do get together, it would have been in a fairly organic way.

On other note, damn it DJunnie, why such cliffhangers!!!

PS: Another thing to add in my argument : We have seen this story in span of months. But for these characters, it has been YEARS. It isn't about 'oh he is suddenly gay'. It has taken him more than half a decade to START realizing that Huan Wen probably means more to him. Look at it in sense of time for characters, and not how much time you spent reading them (a few minutes intermittently every week for about an year makes things whacked out of perspective).
Mar 27, 2018
ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENINGGG AAAAAAAAAAAA *runs around, rolls* I was so hoping we would get more about these two! Finally some of Yuan's perspective! The big time skip and them still being together, definitely brings room for this sort of development. I agree with the below comment--this execution feels organic and believable! Poor Huan Wen for hanging onto those feelings (the hope) for so long...I relate to this and yes it can really tear you up...I am excited to see where this goes, think this is an excellent chapter to start. Aaaaa this cliffhanger is tough~~ So excited for more *--*
Aug 13, 2019
Pretty sure most of the people complaining are straight because my friend group started out out as completely straight and over the years we all realized we're definitely queer in some ways whether it's sexuality or gender. Also asexual people exist so biromantics generally rationalize their feelings as platonic because society places so much importance on sex that you can't thinl of someone as a romantic partner if you don't want to sleep with them.
Group Leader
May 13, 2018
😭😭i'm so so so soooooooooooooooooo happy about this 😭😭
Aug 15, 2020
Yay finally a chapter of my favorite boys!!
He don't suddenly became gay they spent years together its feels organic that Yuan just now just start realize his feelings so they can be together, plus they never state that Yuan was straight this is the first chapter with his perspective
Nov 6, 2019
AFTER 6 YEARS SOMETHING IS FINALLY HAPPENING !!! Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the next week's chapter

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