Here U Are - Vol. 1 Ch. 47

May 14, 2018
Let's go and burn an incense for his soul xD He got some good friends.

Ahhh but the look on LiHuans face when YuYang said he wouldn't let anyone misunderstand him T_______T
Jul 13, 2018
OMG ! I cant wait for the next chap .... I feel LH was about to confess his feelings to YY n damn thing choose to run away ..... why why .. ??
Thanx for the quick trans.. Iuv u for tht ..?
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
I don't like how rapey the MC got :/
That guy deserves a beating but doesn't deserve being molested.
Jul 18, 2018
I loved this chapter. It was so moving to see a crack in LiHuan’s armour as he finally hears words he has longed to hear all his life.
Jun 6, 2018
-screaming in spanish-


Ok, ok, I need to caLM THE FUCK DOWN.


I didn't liked YuYang being all grabby, I don't really think that part was totally necessary and I think he's going to have trouble for that one yes and I said nothing about the beating, because my morals are very gray. Hopefully those characters won't be making any more trouble in the future unless that they are, I mean we still have +50 chapters to go. Putting aside that, gOD DAMN IT, YUYANG GETS LIKE 500% HOTTER WHEN HE'S ANGRY aND thAts nOt fAiR.

someone save my thirsty soul

Anyways, YuYang you need a better prescription, becAUSE YOU CLEARLY CAN'T SEE WHAT'S THERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Also I'm saving that hug and putting it on my wall just so I can see that precious thing every day.

Ah man I can't wait for them to date.

@Cappy senpai, thank you as always for your translation <3
Group Leader
Mar 28, 2018
@Corgiattackkk @alela @sweettea844 @nazzy_s This chapter was brought to you by your amazing colleague, @UnlikelyChopshopNacho
As everyone knows by now, I'm travelling and away from my computer, so I could only bring you guys the translations in text format. But thanks to UnlikelyChopshopNacho, we could had the chapter uploaded right away! ???

@TamarindoAmargo @Kousora Oh, I think YuYang was trying to avoid beating Ming once again. If it didn't work once, won't work twice, anyway. My guess is that he was trying to use Ming's fear/hate from gays in a desperate way, that he wouldn't want to get near them again, and more important, Ming would leave LiHuan in peace. Those are just my thoughts, of course. ?

@Linalavis Hahaha I use Google's keyboard for Android, this way I can use the emojis, too! But I still have no idea how to use gifs in a comment ?
Group Leader
Jun 10, 2018
thanks, as always! I love love loveeeeee it when YuYang gets scrappy and knows how to fend for himself. I don't the implied threat, but it is an intimidation tactic to use against homophobic assholes. I highly doubt YuYang would actually follow through.


just one tiny comment for our precious interim cleaner...can we use another font instead of comic sans? xD I immediately think of tumblr memes when I see comic sans lol.
May 24, 2018
I really like to see YuYang's creepy face most of the time. He smiles a lot, but once it turn to something intimadating/creepy/even smug expression, it pleases me in unexplainable feeling.

And the hug, wow! it's. just. idk. just. wow. Good thing YuYang didn't miss how fast LiHuan's heart was beating at that very short moment. You need to calm down, darling, and feel the love. <3

Thankyou cappy and Hi, UnlikelyChopshopNacho !! Love you both and be save wherever you are. Stay healthy and happy, guys! ^^
May 24, 2018
thank you so much for the update you guys are the best!!! ?

i wish lihuan can confess his feelings properly to yuyang soon. Yuyang ah stop running away ~~
Aug 16, 2018
First of all: thank you for the translation!!!

But :( I’m super disappointed in the artist/author for the sexual harassment scene. Just groping him is sexual harassment initself. One of the things that I liked most with this author, is that they seemed to be all about that consent unlike other BL manhwas/manhuas/mangas. I loved the fact how the couple in Guang Xiang valued consent, communication and respect for each other and their bodies. But I guess I was mistaken this time.

A beating isn’t okay of course but sexual harassment and threats of rape is imo a deeper structural problem within society, rape has been used to take power over people and is a tool that’s used to crumble the other person’s emotional self. YuYang’s bully deserves to get called out on but in a case of sexual harassment, there’s no one who can deserve that. I get the reasoning such as YuYang using the homophobic bully’s fears against him but I don’t think that justifies YuYang’s behaviour. Nothing justifies sexual harassment. And I think it’s gross of the author to use it and glorify it to make the scene feel more ”badass”. I got a horrible feeling in my gut instead. Gross.
Aug 15, 2018
Hi @gwkimmy, it actually was Chalkboard SE because it's the only comic like font I've got installed that is not Comic Sans :) But I reuploaded the chapter with the font we're used to, which is Chinacat at 20px.
May 14, 2018
Wang Ming was jealous that a gay guy was more popular with the girls than him. He tried to put him on the spot in front of the whole group and it backfired. He essentially made himself a laughingstock in front of the whole group so rather than picking a fight with YuYang because YuYang is gay I think he's trying to win back his pride by succeeding in humiliating him. He asked his friend to hit on him and humiliate him once he falls for him. Again it didn't work and ended with the whole group getting beaten up by LiHuan. So now his distaste extended to LiHuan which is why he calls the two a couple and while we're all rooting for them to become one, he only does it to tick YuYang off. It works and that's what he gets for it. You call it sexual harassment I call it karma.
Group Leader
Jun 10, 2018
@UnlikelyChopshopNacho thank you!! I appreciate your dedication to consistency <3

As much as I don't like the threat YuYang made in general, this is a story taking place in a different culture where the relationship between the LGBT community and society at large may be very different than that in our own societies. Not that I don't think this instance needs criticizing, but I don't think we need to write the author off as an enabler just because of this instance. I don't know a lot about Chinese society and I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt in this instance.
Aug 16, 2018
Love this, every chapter is like flowless,like a movie.
the frames are amazing and the illustrations, high end

@ natsumeh you taking it to extreme, chill out
First there's no rape, the homofobic "friend" was disgasting and the real abuser but because it's a comedy also his actions are "lighten" and not taking too seriously, in real life the gay guy will not responed at all to his abuse , he will not even report them if needed, and the abuser will not be that a wimp

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