"just random loot haha" Actually worth possibly 10s of millions if 'most expensive diamond' lmao. Didn't the series start with him struggling to get money so his sis did not rag on him? XD
@Cacophony from what I understand this story was something else then became this and had randomly decided to change stuff during the plot to make it flow better for each individual arc. It makes each individual arc better in a vacuum but when you then stitch them together you get stuff that contradicts itself.
@Cacophony reminder that he actually sold his zero's time stuff on the street. it wouldn't be weird for him to still have stuff he couldn't have sold at that time. (or maybe he just dropped it after returning)
@Cacophony he probably try to sell it at some point in the past, like his other treasures, it just he try to sell it on the street, of course people think that just a fakes and junks even tho its real deal.... lol
@Basilelt Thanks I never knew this was getting an animation adaption. The mc looks a bit different from the one in the manhua though, but that may just be because we only get to see his face for a split second and that's only when he's fighting too.
@Cacophony, Sis was nagging at him to get a job. They didn’t exactly have money troubles. Put it this way, would you believe it if you found someone selling a Rolex for cheap (like say, 100 bucks) at a flea market?
@Sharkexpert12 I have no idea what you’re talking about. With the exception of the last arc, this series has always been very consistent with its character background.