Heroic Chronicles of the Three Continents - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Personia War I

Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
Yeah, as expected of Dalio.
For mercenary, they were like "You only live once" attitude everyday.
Why concern with governmental stuff if you are like that everyday?
He was a combatant type with a proper mixture of bandit behavior, in return his territory was like a large type of bandit hideout who had a centralized type authority.
His subordinates cannot move on their own without some kind of command from him because they were afraid of him, in effect they cannot think for themselves what is the best choice in a circumstance.
This lead his downfall, for not training his subordinate think like a true kingdom would be...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
@OP_Zed rome had competent generals and leaders, its more like during hitler he made it so that no one could act without his say so and therefor his generals could not act on the fly because of the fear of being executed.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
@Soonbesoon I don't know much of the detail, but the Turks seem to start out a mercenary to the caliphate way back then before later having their own dynasty later on.

Hannibal's army seems to also be made out a lot of former mercenary (if I'm not mistaken), and with how much political power Hannibal has over Carthaginian senate by having the Iberian peninsula in his hand, I would say it kinda counts.
May 25, 2018
It's eastern roman empire, where is the varangian guard? They're mercenaries too.

The term turks cover wide variety of place, mostly from central asia. I think you mean is founder of ghaznavid empire? Though he is not mercenary, but a slave-guards who created an empire.
Hannibal army, like rome isn't really mercenary company but called auxiliary army, provided by allies tribe. But of course there are some real mercenaries too.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
@setsu The Varangian goes Praetorian I guess. There doesn't seem to be the famous Constantinople's walls too, so it's either that or they might never exist at all.

Yeah, "turks" are too loose of a term so I'm not really sure which one is which too here honestly. Some of these might be wrong, but I guess I'll use the Seljuks and the Ottomans as (even though the latter only come later on). ---All I know is that it's not instant, but they seem to start off as mercenaries under a the Abbasid Caliphate, then many start migrating to the middle east since I guess it's easy to reach and they have a decent foothold for relationship already, and later start becoming the main character in the overall story.

Not exactly quick, yeah, but I think becoming a mercenary there is the perfect prologue for all that.

About Hannibal, I'm talking more about the infantry. If I'm not mistaken, Carthage in the first Punic war relies heavily on mercenaries for wars, and later after they lost the mercenaries start rebelling 'cause they didn't get paid, but they still kinda like Hasdrubal (Hannibal's father, play a big part during the war) and later start changing from mercenary to Hannibal's sort-of private army, loyal more to him than the senates. The cavalry is from Iberia/Spain, but most the infantry doesn't (I think).
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
Isn't that lazy mapmaking, that is basically greece

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