High Position

Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@jameaney @Huichelaar
Age of consent in Japan is 13. Also:
There's nothing wrong (ethically) with the whole situation even if the MC was not 40+ actually. It's more than obvious he willingly has sex with her. You can argue how he's too young and consequently mentally deficient to give his consent, but I think you will be wrong.
Jan 19, 2018
I'm otherwise really happy with the translation but I'd wish he'd actually translate all those obaa-chans and oji-sans. Not everyone knows that those terms mean (even if many probably do) and I consider it a bit lazy, which is ironic considering how much detail the translator otherwise puts into this.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018

Googling the age of consent in Japan paints a slightly more complicated image, but I see where you're coming from. That the minimum in some prefectures would be 13 is all the more disturbing IMO.

Assuming for a second that the age of consent were actually not something ridiculous like 13, even if he willingly has sex with her, it's still wrong because she should know he can't give consent. Considering this is not the case, I guess I can forgive the story for going this direction. Still, It'll always bug me that something like this would be considered standard to such an extent that it needs not be mentioned in-universe.

I also don't know why you mentioned the Gender of participants part, doesn't say anything about Japan specifically.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
I don't agree that he cannot give consent. Not only can he give consent, but he can do so legally as already mentioned. Her getting in trouble over this is very unlikely considering the time period, country, and the fact that he's a male (not to mention that this will remain a private matter anyways). If the genders were reversed this would be a lot more objectionable, but this is not the case. Just because you've grown up in a country where the age of consent is different doesn't make it wrong. Two people just had a nice time together, neither was really coerced or tricked into this, and it was beneficial for both of them. There's nothing wrong with the whole situation.
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
different times. people cared less about intoxicating via alchohol as rape, as well as during the 80's the notion that guys can be raped as well wasn't very popular.

you will enjoy this manga if you don't try to see it as a ripoff of that work and apreciate it for what it really is.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018

I didn't say he can't give consent, I prefaced that sentence with "Assuming the age of consent wasn't 13 ...". Even followed that sentence up by saying "Considering this is not the case, ...". I'm aware that he may be able to give consent depending on the prefecture this took place in.

Why you would mention the country I grew up in and mention its age of consent is irrelevant to whether something is wrong or not doesn't make sense to me. I never suggested that the country I grow up in determines what is moral and what is not. Completely presumptuous.

Thus far the MC has commented about a lot of things that would've been weird in his original timeperiod but are normal in this one. I'm surprised this wasn't one of those things he'd notice. It suggests to me that the author wouldn't think this scenario to be strange in the current timeperiod, which... irks me. I guess this would be my biggest issue with how this was all presented.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
There's nothing presumptuous in me linking where you grew up to your way of thinking. The stupid idea that happy consensual sex is somehow rape most likely has something to do with where you grew up. You're outraged by something that's a non issue. The whole thing was beneficial to both parties, but you're trying to argue that it is somehow wrong, citing laws that do not even apply there.
The author doesn't find this scenario to be strange because it is not, regardless of the difference in the time period.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018

You claim that where I grew up does not make the situation any more or less moral. I never claimed it did. You presume I assume that my country of origin somehow determines the morality of the world. It's this assumption of yours that makes you presumptuous. How I was raised very well influences what I see as moral or not, but I've never claimed this determines what is moral or not.

Both parties here are adults, in mind at least, yes. You're mentioning I'm citing laws that do not apply here. We don't know which law applies here as age of consent is dependant on the prefecture this took place in and as far as I'm aware, the prefecture this took place in has not been confirmed. What happened could very well be illegal. Assuming this is a prefecture where the MC's age is that of consent, it's still odd that the guy invited him. It'd mean he had to know his exact age, to be sure he wasn't crossing the law here.

The whole reason Age of Consent is a thing is not because the parties involved could be happy with the result of their encounter and people would like to spoil that. It's a thing because when people aren't developed yet they can't make decisions like these. They can be very easily manipulated into doing things that could scar them emotionally, because their minds are underdeveloped. I realize this isn't at risk because MC has a developed mind (assuming it hasn't regressed to that of a teenager since his timetravel), but my issue is that the woman involved didn't know this, yet continued with this. That this guy who's clearly well known about legal situations invited a minor, his girlfriend's brother, to a drinking party regardless.
Jan 24, 2018
@criver Age of consent means jack shit unless both the participants are minors. Age of consent doesn't mean you can sleep with a minor. I don't know why everyone confuses that issue. The age of consent in some places in the USA is 16. Doesn't mean an adult can sleep with a minor. Japan does have something called the Romeo and Juliet law that applies to statutory rape cases where one participant is a minor and allows a certain age gap between the two. Usually applied in a case where the two were dating while both were still minors. And in the case of larger age gaps and not dating when they were both minors requires a sincere romantic relationship and parental permission of the relationship. Girls can get married in Japan at 16 and boys 18 but it doesn't mean a person in their 20s can marry a highschool girl without court and parental approval.

Age of consent =/= age at which adults can have consensual sex with minors.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

I never said that you claimed that it determines what's ethical or not. I am just saying that it has twisted your perception such that you somehow see happy consensual sex as rape.
We know which laws apply. The additional obscenity regulations basically require our MC's parent to try and get the girl into jail if they want to. This will almost never happen, and even more so considering the MC is a male. To add to this fathers are usually pretty proud of their boys being sexually successful. Not everybody's sexually repressed to the point of denying their kids' sexuality to the point they go wild when they become 18.

"It's a thing because when people aren't developed yet they can't make decisions like these." - Believe it or not, most teen boys are considered developed enough by society to make such decisions. People know very well that teens will have sex no matter, that's why it's pretty normal to give out condoms in sex ed (oh noes! to minors!?).
You're on a witch hunt, there was no rape, neither anything worrying really.

Use spoilers, since you're spoiling the story.
You might want to check your definitions again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
You know, I wouldn't mind if he ended up with his wife all over again. She's not just way cuter than Satsuki, I get the feeling they didn't work out the first time around because of Amano's general spinelessness and the fact that neither of them seemed very interested in being intimate with each other at all, physically or emotionally. They probably got married because that's what people did at their age and not because of any actual romantic feelings or mutual respect. A long-term, serious relationship is about more than a few shared interests and a spark of passion. It's no foundation for married life. If he actually nuts up and they take the time to get to know each other, things will likely work out much better the second time around. At the very least they can date and break up before the misery and ennui sets in and they end up shackled to a person they can't stand.
Group Leader
Nov 11, 2018
So mangaupd says this series is completed? I'll probably wait to read when its completely scanlated then.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
the art style doesn't match with the genre, this is just a cheap romance love triangle.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
read the first chapter, sounds promising....but I don't understand what it has to do with what I said
Aggregator gang
Dec 27, 2018
Is there a specific art style that has to go with seinen? You're talking about a creative work. The very idea that a genre is confined to a particular art style, or vice versa, is inherently offensive to the creative gestalt.
Mar 22, 2018
Keep up the great work, @ThePaulBunyanTrophy! I'm a big fan of Sekitou Elegy, so I'm real glad that you picked this up. I really enjoy how well thought out the characters are. The immaturity of the author's characters fits so well with the story and themes that are being told.

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