Thigh-chan is nice looking and all, but this cockblocking shit is making me hate her.
She reminds me of Misumi from Okusama ga Seitokaicho. Great body with an annoying character trait that's way overdone.
hail the almighty spirit of pinch and expect a 3some rub in da house " maybe a bathroom scene? "@-@/
can't leave boobs out without dem thighs, while it may not be a complete culture but still a culture is one, all we have to do now is to be patient and wait for the next fetish to make it's appearance.
i like her.. because she is straightforward.. Kandono and Edogawa are too slow.. Thigh girl will make a move on Edogawa.. and make things move.. Edogawa thinks he is not good enough.. Kandono thinks he is only kind and dont see her as girlfriend material.. we are on a deadlock