Should you ever have to give CPR to a woman, you're going to end up touching her breasts to some degree. Can't simply throw you in jail for trying to save someone.
In this case, he's giving necessary emergency medical care that he knows is: A) Effective and B) Necessary. He wouldn't be held accountable in virtually any court of law with a Good Samaritan Law in place.
Hard to tell in a skirt really. It's not easy to get the proportions right on unusual body types.
Big butts are extremely rare in Japan (even in JAV) so there's not a lot of reference material for her to look at except for western porn which isn't very popular in Japan.
Her mind is saying no,
but her ass is saying "The pain! It hurts! Call an ambulance! Help me! Edogawa, what?!? Yes! More! Grab it harder... now softer. What are you doing with your fingers... Kyaaah! Much better..." heavy breathing