wrote custom css that highlights tags using the current theme primary color both in the tag list by changing background color of the tag, and the manga card border color
you can use the Stylus extension and create a style on mangadex to paste this
you can use the Stylus extension and create a style on mangadex to paste this
/* Favourite genre/theme highlight */
a.tag.bg-accent[href$="action"] {
background-color: rgb(var(--md-primary));
/* Repeat above block with a genre name in `href$=` for each tag name */
/* Example for oneshot tag */
a.tag.bg-accent[href$="oneshot"] {
background-color: rgb(var(--md-status-purple));
/* This block adds a border around the manga card */
.manga-card:has([href$="action"]) {
outline: 2px solid rgb(var(--md-primary));
/* You can replace the `rgb(var(...))` by just a hex color like `#B878B4` */