Been a while again, today's my birthday (October 23rd) so I might as well do an update.
Himawari's kinda busy and I'm fucking dyin here man. Not actually but it's been a while since I got hit with the 10.5/15 on an assignment into 10.5/20 on a test. I learned of both of these today. Just gotta step up my game, thankfully they're not worth thaaaaaat much. It is a bad omen for the midterm coming up checks notes two days from now worth looks again 35-50% of my marks. And then I got an annotated bibliography exactly a week from now that I have barely started that is worth 20% of my marks for that course. And then like two assignments due two weeks from now. Yeah I don't like where this is going.
I'll celeberate after all that. For now I'll just overindulge in food.
Also, mizu5 has me in shambles