Hinamatsuri - Vol. 18 Ch. 95 - The Shape of Happiness

Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@quint Sartre is definitely edgelordy. Take it with heaps of salt, quit smoking, and get a hobby.
@DeadKinginHell Life doesn't have meaning, but it matters to give it meaning. In meaning we are compelled to act on behalf of that which is greater than ourselves, that outlast our lives. Quit smoking, get a hobby, find love, raise a child, accept responsibility, achieve authority, and stop indulging in nihilism because it has never made anyone's life better.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
*Defends Jean-Paul Sartre*

Remember kids, it's only existentialism if it comes from the Existentialism Region in France. Otherwise it's just sparkling anxiety.
Mar 5, 2020
@BaGamman: Holy crap you're right! 😲 The resemblance to a 20's version Utako is almost uncanny too, good catch! I'd forgotten all about that odd little game years ago, though I read there's supposed to be a sequel to it released this year.
Jul 30, 2019
Reading good manga as Hinamatsuri.
This is how i've learned to survive in this awful fuc*king word.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Old generation starts to get really old and new generation is sparkling with hope and early achievements.


Active member
Apr 30, 2018
This is so heavy stuff.

Speaking as a 29 year old.

Had I not done this or that, look how far I could've come.

It's feeeeels.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@shadowknight007 She didn't bully Anzu though. She even saved her from bullies. She said that with Anzu's happiness in her mind. To be honest, selling ramen is not a good future for Anzu the way she is. She should go to school, get a cooking license or business degree if she wants to open her own ramen shop.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 25, 2020
Loved how Utako burned herself into reality when she was trying to burn Anzu into reality, but she's right tho unless Nitta or Hitomi steps in to help,it might be the best of choice for Anzu to go study first
Mar 27, 2020
@miyako19 : The hell you on about? If she doesn't need a cooking license to run the stall, what would she need it for? And business degrees are just the short-bus version of mathematics degrees, grossly oversimplified so idiots can understand it... In other words, they're just an ironic money-milking scam.

@gronkle : "Meaning" is overrated. It is just the delusion weak-willed idiots give themselves because they can't handle a reality that doesn't give a shit about them. "Greater than ourselves"? More bullshit. Arbitrary value judgements like that have no basis in reality. People do those things as a distraction from existence... like digging a hole and filling it in again over and over and pretending it serves some noble purpose. The only difference between a nihilist and any of those other fools is willingness to accept that these actions are just psychological masturbation. Not everyone needs to hide their eyes from the emptiness of existence. You're not better for lying to yourself... There is no "better". Everyone is the same shit in the end.

@Bengon : Funny you give him shit for that when you type like a 7-year-old who just discovered the Internet and is all too eager to prove the GIFT true. Almost makes one want to pity Nietzsche when the topic of nihilism comes up since that old bastard threw the term (or supposed its german equivalent) about as a slur against those who mire themselves in delusion, which is more or less the opposite of how the term is commonly used now, with the illusion-dwellers casting it at the unfettered.... well, if one didn't already pity him for dying alone with syphilis. Hah!
I never did figure out how he got it.... Wasn't he an incel before that was even a thing?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@SotiCoto How does your enlightenment improve yourself or the lives of others? Would suicide be preferable?
In all honesty, the logical end point and application of your theory would be solipsistic mass suicide. Ethics, desire, truth, aesthetics and all manner of other human endeavours become pointless when we consider ourselves as the impermanent distribution of matter and energy we are from a cosmic perspective. As such, I reject it on the ground of being a pointless conclusion. The only reason you have the basis to come to that conclusion is because of the many human endeavours you implicitly reject. So, I choose to continue with those endeavours in order to see where it goes, and give others the option of continuing them, and continue to create a history that a future I would wish upon my descendants to enjoy can come from. That is something greater than myself, and it gives my actions meaning. Their arbitrary value is defined on my terms and are the fruits of my labour, and in the grander scheme of human development are the shoulders upon which nihilists stand and complain. If that is not "better", I'm happy enough with it being better than having no justification for my existence as a self-aware distribution of matter capable of decision-making in a universe that is looking at itself though me.
Mar 27, 2020
@gronkle : "enlightenment"? Now how exactly would I know what you're referring to when you pick a word like that, eh? None of this is seen with the eyes but concluded through experience... and what is missing in most people isn't the ability to determine it for themselves, but the willingness to accept something that doesn't reinforce their desires.
Whether suicide would be preferable or not... who knows? Maybe to some, maybe not to others. Pointlessness isn't a concerted drive towards oblivion, y'know. It is just the absence of a point. It has no direction and no force. Someone with no conscious motivation to live isn't the same as someone with a conscious motivation to die. The former is entirely passive and the latter entirely active.
And sure, it is pointless... but what you choose for yourself is ALSO pointless, and false too since you seem to believe for some silly reason that you're somehow exempt from pointlessness. Your fabricated sense of purpose is just a game of make-believe that you're putting on airs about.
Obviously you're free to do that if you want... but if you go acting like your little fantasy is somehow better than existing in full awareness of the pointlessness of existence... of course I'm going to mock you for it. You burn through all this effort for trivial, transient things like a pigeon puffing up its feathers and strutting around before being hit by a car.
You honestly believe you're better off that way... but there is no "better"... It is all the same in the end, and my path requires less maintenance.

Y'know.... funny thing I worked out years ago:
The closest thing life in general has to any sort of directive is... to fight entropy, basically. That is what it comes down to. Self-replication is the imposition of order and pattern upon matter.
But the funny thing about fighting entropy is that said fight is literally unwinnable. You have to run as fast as you can just to stay in one place, so to speak.
Humanity won't make it to the heat-death of the Universe, obviously. Not even close. Almost certainly won't survive to the death of the sun. Probably won't survive to the end of this planet either. But none of that especially matters since no individual currently alive will live to see the death of humanity either. And whatever you put your life into trying to make to outlast you.... won't matter near so much to anyone left behind, as they've got their own little fantasies to maintain. So while it might not die with you, it WILL die soon after you... for slightly variable levels of soon.

It ain't a bad thing. It ain't much of anything. It is just how things are... or aren't, relatively speaking. Heh.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@SotiCoto You're missing my point spectacularly. I find meaning in things as an active endeavour, it is not an intrinsic artefact. Meaning is an emergent property, and it is subjective. The pursuit of meaning is the human condition, and you have found yours in the introspective navel-gazing paragraphs you have gifted us with.

With regard to your second paragraph, every little thing you do has changed the future irreparably. Seeing as the future is where you're going to be living, I would suggest it is in your interests to create a future in any small way to be one you'd prefer. I assume you still bathe and feed yourself? Then you've altered the course of history to be one where for that moment you didn't stink and weren't hungry. If you can manage that, extend your goals. Eventually you might be thinking of the future your grandchildren will live in, and how you might make it a better one for their sake. And all the while you have your alleles reach into the vast future.
In short, get a hobby, improve yourself, have kids. (and if having kids isn't possible, build a future for others' kids).

It ain't a bad thing. It ain't much of anything. It is just how things are... or aren't, relatively speaking. Heh.
Nothin personnel, kid ...
Mar 27, 2020
@gronkle : Nothing you wrote there suggested I missed anything at all. You just admitted you're personally fabricating your meaning, but then continued to act like it is somehow superior.

For all your talk about changing the future you sure do try to make it sound grandiose... but as with any other ripple that spreads and influences things around it, both time and distance reduce the impact of it... eventually to the point of being completely negligible.
Also choosing the word "change" carries the false suggestion that you're doing something different to what would occur naturally... though all your talk about breeding strongly suggests you're just doing exactly what your biology is compelling you to do without the slightest resistance. An awfully arrogant position to take when you're just doing what mould does.

Anyhow... I have hobbies. I'm here to read manga. A fabrication that doesn't pretend to be anything more.
Anything else I'd rather be doing would involve active obstruction from an awful lot of humans. Definitely more than my ability to deal with. I'm not nearly subtle enough to purge humanity without it noticing. I'm definitely too old to be improving myself, as most of my efforts are a matter of pain-avoidance these days.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@SotiCoto it seems you're assuming that meaning must be an intrinsic thing to be "real". Meaning is an emergent property that requires subjective and objective analysis, and takes on a subjective form. As far as anyone knows, "meaning" is a human construct. It being a construct does not make it less real, because it has real-world impact. Logic and mathematics are human constructs. If you can make the argument that meaning, as subjective and post-hoc as it is, doesn't impact actions upon that which it emerges from then I will concede. Although, if you rely on objectivity to denounce subjectivity I'll dismiss you off-hand.

The impact of quantum events at the beginning of the universe caused a non-homogeneous distribution of energy that allowed the universe to arrange itself as you and I and everything else 14 billion years later. Time and distance does not diminish that fact. That only sounds grandiose if you apply meaning to it, when in fact it is an obvious conclusion. The impact of your actions are forever reverberating, that is an obvious conclusion without any hyperbole.

Everything a human does is part of nature, so I reject the false dichotomy. Everything you do is compelled by biology to lesser or greater extents. Even your thoughts are the result of predictable chemical changes. None of that impedes me from rejecting nihilism. I am still able to take actions that are meaningful. My point regarding procreation was to drive home how your actions impact people long after you have died. No example of that could be better than your own progeny.

Sorry to hear you have problems with people and pain, I hope you find a way to resolve them in time.
Mar 27, 2020
it seems you're assuming that meaning must be an intrinsic thing to be "real".
Nope. It has to exist outside of your imagination in some form to be real. Which is to say that it needs some fragment of objectivity, however small... but it doesn't. It isn't like the whole "objective vs subjective" thing is some sort of boolean divide. A great many things have a little of both in... like the concept of "big", for instance. A relative measure of size, and a rather vague one at that, but it is a qualification of a real physical attribute. Two people both thinking of "big" are almost certainly going to be thinking along similar lines, though likely differing somewhat in scale. Odds are though that if you told 10 people to imagine "meaning" in real terms, no two of them would imagine something similar... unless it was quite simply drawing a blank.

The impact of quantum events at the beginning of the universe caused a non-homogeneous distribution of energy that allowed the universe to arrange itself as you and I and everything else 14 billion years later. Time and distance does not diminish that fact.
And yet eventually all matter in the Universe is going to become evenly distributed and devoid of energy... and whatever happened in the meanwhile will have lost all relevance long since because there will be not a single conscious thought nor recording of it left. So in fact... time and distance absolutely and indubitably diminish that fact. Some things just need a lot more time and distance than others.

Everything a human does is part of nature, so I reject the false dichotomy.
You're wrong for thinking of something and its absence as a dichotomy. The absence of a state isn't a second state, but an absence. It is something I've tried to explain to people time and time again, but whether it is just that I'm bad at explaining, that they're thick as pigshit... or both... (most likely both)... it tends not to be understood.
But in any case... if you opt to take the word "natural" to apply to absolutely everything that exists... then the word ceases to be useful for anything. It is the purpose of words to distinguish between things, and if there is nothing that a word does not apply equally to, the word is useless.
Regardless though... I was using it as a shorthand for actions consistent with the advancement of the so-called "biological imperative"... which at its core, is a matter of persistence. Humans are in a rather unusual position where, under certain circumstances, they can deliberately and knowingly violate the biological imperative... though in a manner of speaking it is a conflict of interests between memetic and genetic drives. And it continues to exist because the average fitness cost for removing it would be higher than the average fitness cost for keeping it.
The point is that the same feature that allows humans complex memory systems and reasoning ALSO happens to allow filling up those memory systems with cat memes... or committing suicide... which are irrelevant or actively contrary respectively to the process which led to the existence of life in the first place and the means by which it persists.

You say everything I do is compelled by biology... sure... but some of it is a product of bugs in the programming is what I'm saying. And some bugs are a lot more difficult to remove than others. And I happen to like those bugs. They give a lot more autonomy than one would ever be capable of otherwise... autonomy one can have to effectively gallivant off in a direction completely contrary to the process that brought us here. And it is my opinion that if you just go along and, in spite of this potential autonomy, just do what all other life does anyway.... you're completely wasting that tiny mote of freedom.
You have an opportunity to break the rules and get away with it... and you are not only ignoring it but regarding it condescendingly.

And frankly if I wanted "progeny" to have an impact on people after I'd died... I'd give them hammers and tell them to hit people in the head. But then I'm not the sort to delegate such tasks if I was inclined to want them done. If I could get away with it, I'd probably kill people... Lots of people. ESPECIALLY people who have a lot of children (plus the children themselves, of course). Well... probably everyone I could eventually.
I suppose you should be glad that my desire to die a quiet and peaceful death alone trumps my desire to cleanse the world of human filth. Well, that and I'm lazy. Very lazy. Not easily motivated and all that. ^_^
May 3, 2020
it's always hilarious to come to the comments section on a random chapter in a manga ur reading only to find people typing out essays to one another omg
Sep 6, 2019
For below me, "When your teacher needee you write a 5 minute essay" lol.

Anyway, let them be. It's not like they have a life or something, and i don't wanna give a damn to read those long essays. So much some autism in comment section than from SJWs on twitters if you ask me.

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