First page, first panel, first sentence: you got the main character's name wrong. It's "Kunieda", not "Kuneida". It's spelled out on the character list the page before.
Same page, fourth panel: Hinata is the child's tutor, not the tutor of the woman she's speaking with.
Second page, he's the rough script for the first column, you can compare with that is up now. Are you sure you're ready to be translating?
"My student Yasahiro Mirai -chan, a fourth grader"
"Thank you for meeting again today"
"Today is ..."
"Social studies, page 22"
"Ah, right, right"
"Hina-chan, you couldn't remember that? Even though you're the teacher"
"Well, Hina-chan is still a kid so of course you couldn't"