I don’t agree with him. If people wait at the escalator steps, taking both lanes will still congest it eventually.
Whereas giving way and taking one lane when congested, would in fact make congestion less imminent since others can easily get through.
In busy places, even stairs are congested and more of a mess.
Thus, the side of the escalator becomes a zone to clear out from because it should always be flowing if people don’t block the way.
Additionally, taking both lanes would cause more casualties in the event of an accident.
Furthermore, it is evident that fatal accidents can happen due to crowding in a confined space. Considering escalators can already be dangerous enough on its own, this increases the dangers significantly.
Things gets stuck on escalators. If both lanes were taken, not only would it increase the chances of anything getting caught, but people would also be unable to get out of the way.
Conclusion, he is being a prick and ironically giving way should actually be more helpful with the crowd as well as being considerate.