Yeah, you are the worst, Kiba. Or the parents? Or who? At least from first we know Kiba is one of the worst guy if real.
Thx again tl and yeah, uhh how I explain... Bullying, confession, remind me my friend... He is nice guy, easy going, honest for trash talk, and bullied from elementary grade. First contact to this guy when in mid school, still he is nice guy but back in the days, well has suffer. Nah me too but it different cases. And that time we in high school, when in our last year, he has deep feeling to this gurl, he really shy but at the same time... well back in the days we can say he is... creepy (for gurls)? And this boy confess to this gurl, Asian, perfect type, well all of us Asian tho ghahaha, and his confess rejected. His emo unstable, he almost commit r*ape, yes it is. But thankfully God still love him, some of us who there stop that. And after several suffer and some stuff he now gym and better, well still honest to trash talk tho for us, I mean just for fun haha. Miss this guy tho, if I has second chance bring everything back or let's say, time travel, this guy one of candidate that I hope may with me travel back. And yeah this guy almost become Akiba, mistreat love, mistreat stuff. Tbh I like same gurl but... but... idk, it just feels wrong since I feels the laugh of rejection. But this guy... fortunately rejected and not become Akiba, I mean God save him, if he commit r*ape... or maybe become worst as Akiba ahhh idk...
Maybe for some guy said "support Akiba=incel" no u don't understand. I neither support Akiba tho, it just my view Akiba can helped but really need time. Adachi literally PTSD, and it happen when she is in her very young time, it just literally PTSD. And I can say this since I may have too, but idk. PTSD can be faked, but when you alone it will be s*hit, is there a cure? Idk since it hitting mentality. Most treatment just faking it or some pill or maybe u cure it "100" but it still came to you some time like flu, idk I'm not doctor, but if it can be cured then Vietnam War veterans can be cured.
Peace yoo