Hirunaka no Ryuusei

Sep 24, 2020
im so happy with who she ended up with!! i almost lost it when she returned to Tokyo hahaha i want more chapters about their adult life T_T
Sep 8, 2020
After 2 years, time to re-read.
Ahh, time to repeat this heart-breaking journey.
(Team sensei will understand my feelings)
Sep 8, 2020
So naturally, he hadn’t seen this coming – that this time, he would be the one to walk away. Even so, he understood his position as a teacher, and he understood his position as her uncle's friend.he was also her guardian.
Teacher. Guardian. Not a lover. The guilt made it difficult to breathe… but he couldn’t take advantage of her like this. She had her whole youth ahead of her, whereas he was tied down with all the responsibilities of an adult. He couldn’t drag her down with him.
Every time he ignored her gaze, answered her tonelessly, or passed her in the hallways without a glance, he felt like screaming at her:
—I’m doing this for you.You have to understand. I’m doing this for you. I’m a dirty guy, and I don’t want your ruin on my hands. This was never up to me. I do miss you. I do love you. And I’m sorry—
As if she could hear him. As if she had reason to trust him.
He took another long drag from his cigarette. He didn’t know how soon he’d be forgotten. After all, she was a headstrong, spirited girl. And he knew that the other guy was stealing her away, little by little. He saw it in the ever-changing way she looked at that boy. Each glance they shared stung like a papercut, slowly nicking away whatever hope he had left — that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t too late. But she wasn’t one to hopelessly carry on. He knew it.
Then again, sometimes he would notice her out of the corner of his eye at moments she believed no one was looking. Those were the only moments she allowed her easygoing smile to drop. She appeared downcast, lost, and unsure of herself. Often, she would stare unfocusedly at the sky, maybe looking at the past, maybe hoping for another daytime shooting star. A corner of his lips raised despite himself, vindictively glad that he was the one to have left her with those scratches..

When I first read it I was like 18-19 and I was furious 'why they are not honest with their feelings??' 'why is it so hard for him to fuck them all and be with her??'.
After reading it again now that I'm 24, I understand his point of view. I also understand his feelings. He is an adult, a teacher, a protector. Not a lover. And it makes me so sad. I find him such a tragic character because he must be responsible and draw a line even tho he loves her. He cherish her so much that he puts him feelings aside just for her own good.

Aahh man I really get depressed reading this. My heart clenches so much for sensei 😭
Apr 13, 2019
To be honest, I have read this manga before way back when I was in high school, and I wasn't really happy how things ended. Up until now (2020), I still can't get over it .

I really feel sorry for Sensei since I think he just wanted to protect her and be the bigger person (which he should be since his an adult). Imagine if the school found out about their relationship it would cause a big havoc not only to his life and career but also Chun-chun's. After all she is still so young, so full of life like a "curios clueless fish". She is just starting a new life in the city building connection, experiencing new things (adventure), and not to mention she's at that stage when she is getting to know more about herself and what life can offer her.

I think we should also remember (more like telling myself lmao) that sometimes there are things that don't go the way we always want it to be. We have to be more realistic of certain outcomes when it come to making certain decision. Also, we should always be prepared of the consequences that comes along with the decision were going to make.

Life is like a rollercoaster ride.
First, it can be exciting when you're almost at the very peak of the ride.
Second, you start to feel the tension, the thrill, and sometimes regret when the ride comes rushing down.
Then comes that feeling of being uncertain,
if it was a fun ride that you really enjoyed and would like to do it again,
or it can be a traumatic experience you don't want to remember.

-Sorry I feel so down after reading this manga TT__TT.
I'm not even sure if I'm making any sense right now. Also, English is not my first language, so I might have some grammar errors and stuff but hopefully some of you gets what I meant with all of this shiii im talking about hahahahahaaahahah

this will be my first and last reread of this story. Its so painful and realistic. I just want to escape reality and be happy reading manga stories. I didn't expect to come back broken hearted and dazed of whst just happen here lmao 😂 I should really stop now..... BYEE-BYEEE PYUN.....
Dec 26, 2020
Honestly, I'm not here for the manga, I'm here for More Than Words (oneshot) at chapter 60.6, and I adore that thing <3
Jul 31, 2020
I personally think the ending was great. I mean, I understand that a lot of people wanted MC to end up with sensei; however, I think the decision she made was the best one she could at the moment. I read how some people call her weak-willed and easy to fall out of love. It wasn't exactly the case. Remember guys, she is just 16. She got her heart broken by the person she loves with all her heart and got told that he didn't love her. Given she really believed him, how would you guys think and feel if you were in her place? Also, think about Mamura who was always there for her every single time she needs someone to be by her side. I think Mamura deserves her the best. And the things he's ready to do (or more accurately, sacrifice for her sake.) I really loved it when he told Uncle Yuki that he would do anything to make sure she's happy and won't cry again. Plus, he's really respectful towards her and even let her go sensei in the end, even though there was a chance she won't be coming back. I think that's best boi right there. As for sensei, I do feel bad for him. It was the timing. It just wasn't meant to be. But to be honest, I think it was also the bad choices he made. He didn't have to hurt her that bad. If you truly want to be with someone, there are many ways to do it. So what if you have to wait a few years? You can always just ask her if she's also willing to wait for you? And sensei was also pretty indecisive and fickle for most of the story. It was that part where he lost to Mamura. Mamura knew exactly what he wanted and fought for it bravely.
Jun 15, 2020
I enjoyed it. It was full of up and down and also there was some moment where I was kinda frustrated, but I loved the ending. I love the couple.

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