Hisokana Hana Emi - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

Dec 13, 2019
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but what exactly is on her neck that she has to hide it? (o゜ー゜o)?? Is it like, a hickey or something?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
I also think it's hickeys. She probably get them from her "boyfriend" / fiancee / her husband to be / maybe jerk / arranged marriage to please mommy and daddy when they meet the weekend.

This manga have great art but unfortunately the panel succession and the story telling it's quite bad. It's really hard the catch the flow on some scenes. The author jump on too many subjects and it feels chaotic like they don't known where they are going. There were some little improvements on the last two chapters. I hope they will improve on the next chapters.

Thanks for the chapters
Dec 13, 2019
@leatherhead99 and @Machaka22,


Thank you also for the chapter, wasn't able to say it earlier.
Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2019
Let s hope the story doesn't go down the same path I saw in one particular tv show...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2020

do tell :)

(personally, I'm not sure where this will go 🤔 will she ask her to seduce her 'boyfriend' for her so she can break up with him 'because he's a cheater'? is heactually abusing/forcing himself on her and does she want her to take pictures as proof to expose him? or is it something like 'you have sex with me'? )
Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2019
@KakumeiNoHi basically, the scene might be going to be similar, however the context is different.
Basically in that film, the student was one of the smart students who tried to go against his teacher's wrong way of teaching, however, he didn't succeed. Then the other teacher saw him, and tried to help him. In the end, we realized that the teacher was probably looking forward to a relationship, but then at some point, seek to use the student for her own work/good. The student was fired, and the teacher wasn't. In a swift of rage, the student decides to hack the school's printer and print out all the infos that he could find of the teacher stealing his work. And the teacher is left in despair as her secret has been told to everyone in the school.

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