We all know that the manga was originally supposed to be yuri until it got changed for whatever reason (editorial mandate, yuri version didn't test/sell well, who knows?). We all generally agree that this subplot is pointless since Hitomi already has a love interest and it looks like that's not going to change. Some are even theorizing that the delinquent will hook up with Hitomi's brother (which, yeah, a weird trend with these lesbian characters that are in love with the FMC is that they get together with a male side character at the end). However I want to say something to those who are "rooting for the delinquent;
If the delinquent was a guy, meaning that there wouldn't be any yuri for you all to have lewd thoughts over, would you still be rooting for said delinquent to become Hitomi's boyfriend, or would you say that the delinquent is a pointless character serving only to sideline the actual plot.
Situations like this in a fanbase is what I like to refer to as "The Scott Fold, Chartreux Westia Double Standard" where the fans would get upset if character is introduced solely to be a romantic rival, of sorts, to one of our main characters unless the character in question is a cute girl that wants to be with the FMC.