Holiday Love - Fuufukan Renai - Ch. 108 - The Truth (Part 1)

Aug 8, 2018
well to be honest he deserves this one way or another coz it's unfair that he won't suffer any repercussions on his "affair" with that b*tch...but damn, that b*tch delivering that kind of "blow" is a hard thing to swallow... So may I say after all this s*it SUE HER!!!... GET THE NECESSARY MONEY from that b*tch..coz after this I'm sure he'll have a hard time finding a job and earning money...
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
I'm translating this for myself first and foremost, so I haven't read ahead or anything so idk for sure but I'm getting suspicious that Rina's calling Azu's bluff here. I think she knows Azu is too nice to demand that money Rina will never actually have while she's still fighting for her right to see her children. You can tell Azu sympathizes with her over the situation with her children (frankly, I think we all do because lets be real, the only person worse than Rina in this manga is her husband) so I have a hard time seeing Azu essentially cripple any chance she has at seeing her kids.
Double-page supporter
Jan 22, 2018
Never get with crazy. Idk why workplaces in Nippon get so involved in personal lives.
Active member
Mar 20, 2019
This is still ongoing? Rina's still an asshole. And why the hell is his workplace so invested in his personal life? So what if he had an affair? Not their business. I wonder if it's a Japan thing.
Apr 7, 2020
If Azu does forgive her,(and not take money) I'll label her as pushover forever. In the first place she shouldn't have put ALL the blame on the husband of Rina.
She was equally to blame for pining after a married man, and Azu put him in the spotlight so that Rina could hide in the shadows and get some justification for the crap she did.

What annoys me is that Rina still thinks she was right for cheating with a married man and blame it on abusive husband.

Abusive husband is crap.
Rina is crap. Neither of them are better than the other.
Apr 29, 2019
In the back of my head I've always thought ”no, tell the truth so rina doesn't have anything over you” (when she started to ”save him” and was trying to steal him back), and I don't support him getting away with it but it still feels bad that he got caught? Mostly bc it was a small victory for rina
Apr 29, 2019
@thunderbuggs a couple chapters ago, they said it could be an issue bc rina came from a temp industry. So something about him laying a hand on a temp and ruining her marriage? Which yeah, I still think thats messed up because she also pursued the affair and it's not like it really ruins the reputation of the companies. But for this series, I think they were suggesting the whole thing would make the temp company they work with think that the workers they send won't be safe or properly taken care of (again, she pursued it tho) and strain/end their partnership
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
as Minxxerias said, I think the main issue is it hurts the reputation/business partnership they have with the temp agency. Its a stretch, I'll give, but it is somewhat related to the business. There would also be question of whether or not they fooled around on the job, which is it's own can of worms. If I recall Rina tried to claim that Junpei "embraced" her at work, even if it was a misunderstanding in intention.
But a lot of this is Japan an their honor system. They are collectivist, so the actions of one member of the group affects the entire group's image. It's understandable in that mindset that they wouldn't want a scandal hurting their business.

BUT at this point I think the biggest cause for him to be fired (or forced to quit) is the fact he spun this lie for the transfer. That is pretty serious and directly involves the company, even here in the states that kind of shit would def get you in hot water with your job. I think it would be seen as quite harsh to fire someone here in the US for this same scenario, but lets be real, even a workplace in the US would reprimand an employee getting their personal affairs too involved in the workplace, including having an affair with a coworker. Hell, a lot of companies still have policies about dating within the workplace. It's usually frowned upon at best.
Feb 7, 2018
What I gather from the years of reading manga (and one discussion with a European, who worked in Japan for 5 years), the relation between a company and an employee is much closer there. It is assumed a company is almost like a family and an employee's behaviour represents the company at all times. So for example, the company is often a guarantor when renting a flat, but on the other all the troublesome actions by the employee can cause him to be fired. Also the reputation is very important there, and a company that is surrounded by rumours and scandals, wouldn't be treated as a serious business partner.

It also seems that an affair itself isn't treated as something as morally wrong, as in Europe/US (see that there's even a special procedure for financial compensation). It is even expected from men [sic!] at some social level to have a mistress. If I understand correctly, if one of his colleagues saw Junpei in Gifu with some random woman, he'd get a pat on the back and perhaps a little warning to be more subtle about it. Where he failed was, that Rina was in fact a company employee and that he got caught. Office affairs are a huge no-no and legal actions provide a big blow to a company's reputation. With that in mind, if Junpei had told the real reason why he needed a transfer, he would have been let go/forced to quit anyway.

Now everyone is angry at him not only because he lied to them (I assume it's universal and people just don't like being lied to), but also because he wanted to skip the consequences of his actions, which is also a behaviour very frowned upon in Japan.

If someone has better understanding, please correct me.
Aggregator gang
Nov 11, 2018
All his coworkers loved him before, they learn that he had an affair and then it's the end, they see him as a total scumbag? many people have an affair outside of marriage, anyway it's private matters. God they only care about appearance and that's it.
Mar 1, 2018
People ought to re-read past chapters to refresh their minds, his co-workers are not mad just because the affair, personal favors were granted to him based on the story that his mother was sick, not only is that a lie but one that covers a love affair, all the goodwill of a company was wasted on someone blatantly lying about their livelihood, that will get you in trouble in any serious company, not just in Japan.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
the only reason I put Rina's husband below her on the shit list is how he's taking it out on his kids, especially when he obviously has no intentions to actually raise them himself. He's just using them as pawns to make Rina more miserable. It's a pet peeve of mine in any relationship with children that splits for any reason, the kids played no role in your break up, they have the right to see both their parents.
I tisked at Azu for doing the same thing early on, saying she was just gonna tell Nanaka that Junpei ran away and to never see her again. Nanaka didn't cheat, Rina's kids didn't cheat, this is a thing between adults and the kids need to be left out of it no matter who is in the wrong. The only reason kids should be kept from their parents is if its genuinely for their own safety, IE there was past history of sexual/physical abuse from one parent or something.
Rina has her own issues, sure. I might not say she deserves primary custody of her kids (frankly tho I'd be giving primary custody to the damn grandparents at this point), but she at least deserves visitation. The kids deserve it as well.

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