Still figuring out what Takamine is about. Class changes can really affect things. I could feel the distance and tension slightly too. Glad they can still meet up just the two of them.
bro i dont like when its too boring but thats too much drama T_T and that takamine girl.. ughhh i wonder what kind of person she is..
tho i hipe they‘ll be another love interest for uka to make the lemon haired guy jealous (damn im so bad w names)
Damn boiiiiii did not hold back 😂
Also when will we learn about Takamine?!?!?! Why is he still an enigma dafuq is happening?!?!?!
I love her friends btw Tao my queen...
ohh look at these bitches hoping for them tp break up. sorry girls. not a chance. not even in the mext life and so on... they're going to marry each other and have kids together