Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-bu 「Hon ga Nai nara Tsukureba Ii!」 - Vol. 6 Ch. 25 - Frida and Myne

May 4, 2019
I still think the secret to helping her with her consuming, is the toronbe plant. It grows super fast out of nowhere, so it might just be absorbing magic from the earth, so maybe it can just suck up her excess magic and stop her consuming from killing her?
Aggregator gang
Dec 4, 2018
Oh boy, the next chapters are gonna be guud :3

And I'm loving you guys realizing things I didn't while reading the webnovel e.e

Well, really spoiler? be warned!
someone there asked why not teach nobles how to use them fireballs, and the answer is... (iirw) their mana is generally weak if compared to someone with the consuming, or so strong (again, not much if compared to the consuming) that they need to use magic tools to alleviate the mana.
And, as you may have guessed already nobles are those with mana, and the consuming is basically a talent for magic: a body constitution with lots of mana, that generally kills the host, unable to handle the mana. That is to say, what our myne needs at this point isn't money or books, but either learn how to use spells, magic or whatever, or find a efficient, big capacity, working magic tool (that probably can't be bought with money)

other than that, @Morose I did heard of this 'part' thing, but can you inform me at which point of the story ends Part I?
Aggregator gang
Dec 4, 2018
iirw, about the toronbe (plant that grows indefinitely with mana) thing,
it wouldn't work 'cause she's constantly getting generating mana, to the point that even if she tried putting all her mana into a toronbe (creating one hell of a tree), one toronbe wouldn't be enough, as the next week or so she'd need another toronbe
Aggregator gang
Jan 29, 2018
@morose I heard about the anime but I have no clue when it’s coming out. Don’t understand Japanese at all unfortunately. I freaking love this story though
Jan 28, 2018
@Kaarme that theory is obviously ignoring that the mana-slaves likely have a special use with their mana that the regular slaves can't do. Assuming that they're treated like normal slaves is a big folly here. I'd think they're like recharging stations, and those trinkets are like manabatteries that the nobles can utilize.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2018
Looking forward to Gunther showing us what a soldier (and pissed off father) is made of.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
"What is this adorable creature?" That, my dear, is a loli. The most holy creature known to man!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Zael Do we know much about the status of slavery in that country in general? Perhaps slavery is illegal unless as a criminal punishment or if the person themselves agreed to it? That way the nobles would have only limited ways of acquiring slaves. But yeah, like I said before, it's more likely the nobles simply don't need to care at all about the worries of commoners and dealing with the mana issue costs nothing to them or is even beneficial like you said.
Jan 18, 2018

Anime airs in october, with good voice actors :0

Looking forward to hearing Aizen from bleach again :0
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

It should've already been explained previously. It's not necessarily an illness , it's her vast amounts of mana which she can't contain., and it sort of surges as it grows even further.

Mana is very rare for commoners, because it's rare to begin with and if they have large amounts like Myne, they very rarely survive for long enough to learn to use it, or can afford the tools to control it.

Myne's way of usually dealing with it is by putting it in a box, which relieves it temporarily, but makes it stronger the next cycle . And she's doing that for several cycles already.

The previous owner dying, was pretty affected by it, but 'New Myne' has a stronger willpower.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@TheTanJar7: The Anime is going to start from October 2019, but it seems that the "1st Episode" is going to be included with the release of a Limited Edition version of "LN Part IV - v08" in September 2019.

"Part II" starts when Myne joins the Church.
While, "Part III" covers her story when she is with an Noble family (i think she got adopted into a high class Noble family, not really sure though)

For more, check here i guess?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Robbini It's an illness if she has no way to control it and it threatens her health and life. If she figures out of a way to put the excess mana to actual use (magic spells, etc), it stops being an illness. Right now it gives her a fever, robs her of stamina, and even renders her unconsciouss. No matter how you look at it, it fulfills the requirements of being called an illness. In a certain sense you could compare it to conditions like rickets, even if it's a reverse situation.
Mar 23, 2018
Part 1 = WN 001-077 (077) = LN 01-03 (03)
Part 2 = WN 078-172 (095) = LN 04-07 (04)
Part 3 = WN 173-277 (105) = LN 08-12 (05)
Part 4 = WN 278-460 (183) = LN 13-20+ (08+) [still ongoing in the LN and I think it will have 9 volumes]
Part 5 = WN 461-677 (217) = Not adapted in LN yet
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
We don't fully know about the Magic Tool yet, it's described to be a "scoop" to take out water but then it has to be poured out somewhere too, so it still functions as a holder of sort. Eventually it'll wear out and break once it tries to scoop a large amount of "water" like in this case.
Considering that the guild master guys ain't too surprised seeing the magic tools broken, I'm guessing magic tools breaking upon use is a normal thing.
He even said before, iirc, that it's the "cheap" variety that's on the verge of breaking or something, so I'm guessing that the so-called "water" collected by the magic tools isn't something unbelievably rare like elixir-in-aura-form.
I mean, if the "water" is actually a precious comodity, there's no reason they'd sell the cheap magic tools variant instead of selling a version that's more durable but needs regular "maintenance" where they harvest the collected "water"

Though I guess there's always the possibility that the magic tools actually used to transfer those "water" to someplace else far away, prob the main factory. Honestly, this one doesn't sounds plausible to me due to various problem it raises. Like how it handles user using it while out-of-range, the implication of remote magic existing, the implication of remote magic that can hit many targets at once existing, etc.

And there's also the possibility that they just simply lacks any method to use/extract the "water" collected in a magic tools, so they just sell the one that'd bring more profit.

Dang, now both theory sounds plausible. I'm still leaning towards the "water" being magic fuels tho, mostly because "only nobles can use magic" is shady af.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Here's some explanation on why the nobles don't do some of these 'oh this is soooo easy a solution'
"Why don't they go and recruit the commoners"
Do you go out and hire every random people on the street on the expectation that one of them will be the right one for the job you offer or do you at best put up announcement and wait for someone to come?
Now would you put up that announcement in the homeless area? Probably not, right? Same damn thing. Right now the nobles are already spreading thin their resources they don't have any to spare on the 1/Gods know the chance of someone like Myne (who did die, might I remind you, before Urano came into her body)
Any consuming who survive til baptism without doing magic compression will have so little magic it's not worth recruiting them (and they likely won't die before reaching the 'average' age anyway)
And those who might have enough like Freda? Either dead before baptism or in case of her make a connection already (and in her case, the person contracting her is on the LOW end of mana pool for nobles, the higher ranking ones basically have so much more mana/demand for mana that they wouldn't need it)
Myne's magic power level is a special case because of her magic compression (squeezing and pushing it back into the box) increasing her total mana.

Furthermore, and this apply to the nobles themselves too, in the eye of society you don't count as a person until your baptism.
If you die before your baptism? Maybe your family will be sad, but nothing more (in fact, according to the wiki, there was 2 children born between the parents after Tuuri and before Myne, obviously neither of those survived)
In fact, for the nobles you're not supposed to let your children come into contact with any nobles outside of family until baptism.

"They found a plant that can absorb excess mana!"
It also spawn toronbe, making it also a threat (grown toronbe require a squad of flying knights to handle, meaning you potentially make other people waste a lot of mana just to save maybe 1 person temporarily)
It's also seasonal, so there's limit to how much you can keep around.
Myne herself literally spawned one in that chapter just by holding it for a few seconds, the risk vs reward is not balanced for someone with high mana like her.
(Heck, she almost die at one point from freshly grown toronbe, and only survive because the knights rescued her right away since they were fighting a fully grown toronbe nearby)

"The nobles are hoarding the magic tools!"
No they're not, in fact the people at the temple are usually children of nobles who they don't have the money to make magic tool for, and can only send them to the temple + donate money to the temple for their living expense
Think about it, giving someone a life-time living expense is CHEAPER than preparing the magic tool + magic stones for them.
(they're also limited by how many magic stones of the right quality they can get)

"Why don't they just teach commoners magic"
Because you don't just wave a hand and magic happens, a noble have to go through school to not only learn how to use certain spells, but also go through a few things for it.
1. Getting Blessings from the Gods. You basically go into this room and make a long prayer to EVERY Gods known, and if they like you enough they'll give you their blessing. You have to remember all the names of the Gods and recite them perfectly, otherwise you'll fail (though it's not mentioned what's the consequence of failure it, at the very least you'll definitely miss out on the blessings)
The blessing essentially increases your magic efficiency, with more blessings = better efficiency.
How to get Gods to like you? Offer your mana to the Gods in prayers (usually the mana goes into divine tools that'll be used for some purpose like creating magical fertilizer, so it's not wasted)
2. Learn magic compression - That's right, the thing Myne has been doing since becoming Myne is actually something nobles start doing after getting into school. Why? Well, see previous Myne for what happen when you fail to compress it.
3. Get the Staff - This is a near literal divine tool that give you access to special magics activate with just a keyword. You go through this holy ground where you keep going until you 'notice' a thing that when picked up will be absorbed into you and after a period of assimilating (ranging from Myne's hours to a few days) then you can call on your own Staff. It's a very delicate process and during assimilation period you're supposed to remains isolated to avoid magic influence from other people affecting your Staff.

After doing those 3 steps (the compressions thing is done even in adulthood, since after your 'vessel' stopped growing it's the only way to increase mana capacity), the level of your magic will be far beyond anyone without them can compare (not to mention you have access to spells they latter don't)

To compare the difference in efficiency:
the time it took for Myne to clean up a devastated land - hour(s)
the time estimated by the Priests from Central temple who showed up after Myne was done with that - days, with multiple groups taking turns to channel it throughout the day

ONE person who's gone through getting blessings, the Staff and lots of mana compression > a whole group of priests (these aren't any low ranking priests either, a normal priest at Central temple would be even high rank nobles in some domain)

Now for a way later spoiler
You can argue it's not meant to be this way.
This society have....gone off track so to speak.

This country was actually created by the Gods (rather, one God grounding himself here to be the core of it)
It's meant to be a country of save haven for those with magic power.

Each Ruler candidate basically go through rituals to earn recognition from the Gods (receiving a special magic tool in return), and the next Ruler is chosen amongst them.

Well, one Ruler wanted her child, who's not qualified to be a Ruler, to be the next Ruler.
So she created a 'copy' of the special magic tool and give it to him, allowing him to use the functions that a Ruler has access to.
Then, knowingly or not, that kid pass the tool down to his heir.

And over time, the knowledge of the rituals is lost, and the 'pass down this special magic tool' became what's thought to be the normal way of inheriting the Ruler title.
Heck, now adays the school have student get Staff on their first year, when by tradition they're supposed to get it as a graduation gift of sort, because the Staff is made to fit their 'current' mana pool, and as you grow it becomes harder to handle your own Staff because of it (you graduate school, not surprising, at similar time to reaching age of adulthood i.e. 15)

Cue modern day, or rather a few years prior to Myne becoming Myne, a coup happened.
The official heir and the coup leader double kill each other, and the special magic tool became lost in that incident.
Also a LOT of nobles died.

This throw the country into chaos between the loss of a large amount of mana resources and the royal family's inability to access some really important key functions.

Enter Myne, who, in her quest to read more books (and failing to comprehend potential consequences), try to get into a secret library supposedly only royals can get into.
Well, between that desire and some shenanigans she accidentally get into, she basically learn of the old rituals and even does partial portion of it.

The royals, desperate to solve the situations and realized that they won't clear the ritual in time before the country collapse, 'threaten' Myne into finishing it and get the special magic tool.
She did, things happened, and with some literal divine intervention, the knowledge of how to do things the proper way was revived.

Of course since Myne don't care for ruling the country, the solution is for her to craft a non-inheritable copy of the special magic tool and give it to one of the royals who's got the personality for a Ruler.

As for Myne herself, she settles for a domain she took over when she tried to rescue the man now her betrothed when he was poisoned and left inside a room only the domain lord have access to (that's literally the only reason she took over the domain, so she's considered the lord and can get into that room)

A different spoiler
People with Consuming and nobles are different.

The essence lies with their magic affinity and a unique trait of Consuming.
See, nobles have magic affinity (colors) according to their parents (mostly mother side) and remains that way.

Consuming on the other hand, are 'weak in all elements' normally, but they're easily influenced by the 'color' of other people, and can be colored by someone else.
Normally, this effect is temporary and they'll soon return to being a colorless/weak rainbow they were.

The exception is someone like Myne, who reached the state of 'dying' but survived somehow.
These, 'marked' people don't lose the temporary color. So when they're colored by someone else, they keep that.
('color me in your color' is euphemism for sex in this world, just saying)

p.s. by the end of arc 2, Myne's already been colored.

@mage_goo : the mana the tool absorb is stored in the gem on the ring, and the better gem has better capacity (and higher quality tool more power it can withstand)
Like, think of the magic tool + gem as a charger and batteries, and the person charging it as power outlet.
The tool drains excess mana and store it in the gem just like charger take electricity and charge it into batteries.
Once full, no more mana can go in, so you'd need to swap out the gem and put an empty one in, the filled gem can be used to power other things.
In this case, Myne's magic power is so high that the magic tool overloaded and broke.
In case of Freda
Later on she get a functioning magic tool from her contracted noble, and she goes into the noble district whenever her ring is full/almost full to get it replaced

Through sheer coincidence, the noble family she's contracted to is the family of one of Myne's guards (and they're the nicer type of noble)

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