This mango is really massive wish fulfilment.
Or simply a author that made/read too many old school manga and was sick and tired of typical cliche herbivore MC that refuses a harem of top models that just want kids.
Manga protagonist who don't refuse a woman? BLASPHEMY!!!
Kidding. It's good to break some cliches every now and then. Manga is based on a Web novel and is mostly faithful with some differences. One thing manga left out is Dianne (black elf) taking bath with protagonist, then bawling to Anzeros about her being mistaken about the engagement.
Thats enough for me,I'm here just to read every crazy comment about how this shit is disgusting because slaves-in a f@cking fantasy world in a low tier manga- are wrong,very wroooong.
Other than being material for a hentai, eroge, or steamy doujin, this has no value. It's bang the babes, and it ain't even in style, smh. At least the MC gets some, and without being domestically abused every so often.
Adaptation raté, trop insisté sur le hentai alors que dans le roman même s'il y en a ce n'est pas le sujet principal.
Il y a plein de blanc, d'incompréhension et d'élément important pour comprendre chacune des personne et l'histoire qui manque.
Je conçois que pour une adaptation ils ne peuvent pas tout mettre mais si c'est pour gâcher l'histoire qu'un auteur a passer du temps à écrire, vaut mieux ne rien faire.
just... wow
This is borderline hentai.
Perfect eye bleach if you got trolled into reading 177013 or Redo of healer/ that even more gruesome knockoff of it, but to anyone else this is just bland and boring.
If I had to compare manga to food items this would be that Mille-Feuille I had a long time ago. Sickeningly sweet, and it was larger than the steak at the same dinner.