So we are going with: When I said "I'm in love" I meant the different thing i.e. I saw someone do an amazing cosplay of a character I love... ok. Maybe the misdirection worked better in japanese, as it stands its way to much of a stretch just to get this twist.
Anyway definitely disappointed, the "girl falls in love with a girl who unbeknownst to her is a cross dressing guy" is a fun and underutilized setup ( I can think of it being used 2 times, and now that I think about it I may be misremembering the second one [ and and in the first one the misunderstanding is cleared up by the end of chapter 1 ]). My disappointment is also much greater because the author made a character lie in chapter 2 to make you think we are going with that setup.
But hay maybe I'm just pessimistic and she did fall for the cosplay girl in addition to being into the cosplay and the series itself