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  • Hey there! Guess what? Today, on 14 February 2024, it is election day in my country! We use paper ballots with nails to cast our votes. They are super reusable, which is awesome for the environment!

    Now, depending on how you look at it, today could be a fantastic day because the government has declared it a national holiday. And you know what that means, right? It means I can get to indulge in reading manga all day long without a single worry about work duties. Which is nice!

    Anyway, if you're eligible, do not forget to vote, guys! Your voice matters! 🗳️
    Hey, it is 1 o'clock in the morning on 1 January 2024. You know what that means, right?

    For those celebrating, Happy New Year 2024! 🎆🎉

    Being someone from the eastern side of the globe, I am thrilled to say it before our buddies out west. Guess I can brag about that, huh? Ha, ha!
    So, I just interesting what if I just put a counter on my profile. So here I am.

    Hit Counter

    Not really useful, though, because there is an image proxy here.

    This is remind me at the Friendster era. Did you know that, at the time, you can put some script to make it sing certain song on your Friendster profile or even make snow on it? Totally security vulnerability.
    How long it keep down? Probably gonna be long. Even with backup, with such seem massive database, restore operation will be pain in the butt.
    The new announcement say that today, Saturday, 13 May 2023, at 10 o'clock in the morning WIB, the site will be live again. Well, I hope this is true.
    Now, on Saturday, 13 May, 2013, around noon WIB, the MyAnimeList is back online, baby!

    Anyway, many pages of the site on my web browser had not refreshed since Wednesday, so I was still able to view them when the site was down. I simply closed my web browser and when I reopened it, the web browser loaded the page from the local cache. Nice!

    Edit: It seem actually back online around 13 May 2023 09.37 WIB.
    Hey, 01 May! Actually, only a few years ago this day became a national holiday in my country. As usual, 01 May is a protest day. Maybe that is the main reason why it became a national holiday, so it would not disrupt businesses that could impact our economy in general. The news says that many people are protesting today in our capital city and provinces. Well, I hope they get what they really need.

    Anyway, I am still confused about the difference between employees and laborers. Both seem similar to me, as both receive payment for their contractual jobs.

    So, happy Labor Day!
    Today, MyAnimeList Desktop have a new dark mode appearance, which is five years late. But hey, this is better than never, right?
    Unfortunately, it is still not for Mobile version, yet.
    Ah, week-end! So many releases. I feel a bliss.

    Anyway, today is Sunday. If you feel that that Sunday should be the start of the week (like I do), then today is the start of the week. So, "Ah, week-start!"
    My ID is 54-74-70. Lucky, hé, hé.
    Well, everything is luck if you see it that way. Stay positive!
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