Japan has an... "interesting"... cultural outlook on homosexuality. If you're ever bored, try a quick look-up for male gay bars in Japan. You'll find a bunch, especially in larger cities. Now try to find lesbian/bars for women only. Much, much, much less.
Even back during Edo times you'll find male homosexual relationships were viewed almost... positively? But only in
certain circumstances. For instance, with samurais when they took apprentices. And like "girls love" it was kinda expected that any serious or sexual relationship ended when the boy became of age. Monks in Japan's past also dabbled in similar relationships, although it wasn't viewed with the same level of admiration/respect that the samurai were, and they were kind of assumed the reason why male prostitution was able to stay in business.
As it stands, however, marriage is still viewed as something that is to be expected of people by Japanese society and elders/parents even among the newer generations, especially for women. So while it may not be viewed as perfectly fine for the male to not marry and be in a homosexual relationship, he's more likely to get a pass than with females in a homosexual relationship. After all, girls are for marrying and having (grand)children and increasing the birth rate. And having read some translated interviews and articles, it seems like there's a fair amount of women that are regretful about not pursuing past relationships with other women and felt pressured to get married. Or simply didn't know that they "could be" lesbians. Although IIRC these were older 40+ women that were interviewed.
(This kind of also extends analogous to heterosexual relationships in Japan where men cheating on their wives is tolerated moreso than in the west. Plenty still divorce over it, don't get me wrong (although, in Japan, you can't sue the adulterous party(s)), but it's something that is given more leeway in Japan.)