I'm kind of new to this kind of scanlation stuff, so I didn't realize I might have been sniping. I didn't ask, but is that okay?
I thought one month might be too long for a new upload, so I though I could be quicker with uploads and stuff.
There's no official rule per se, but usually the etiquette would be to wait 3 months. In a case like this, where you'd like to upload your version sooner, you'd normally reach out to the group already scanlating it and either offer to help (since you seem to be working alone) or ask if they wouldn't mind letting you take over. Now on the other hand, if this was a...
certain group notorious for squatting series as long as they can so people go to their site to read sooner, nobody would bat an eye.
So, yeah. Rule of thumb is three months or ask whoever was there first. Unless of course they explicitly declare in their credits page that they're dropping the series, in which case it's fair game, but ENDS haven't stated as such AFAIK.