How to Open a Triangular Riceball - Ch. 46

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
This chapter does not redeem Lala for being the total bitch she really is.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@FredFriendly One of the rare times I generally agree with you. The only change I would make is to say she was being a total bitch TO THE MC specifically. By all evidence, she was generally kind and nice to everyone else. She kept her inner thoughts to herself and never acted on them.

But yeah, she blackmailed the MC with an embarrassing photo the exact same way that she was being blackmailed by this Min guy.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@Tamerlane Yes, I understand that she was becoming better. That's a good thing. Undeniably good. However, that does not mean that we should forgive her. We can understand her and understand why she did certain things, but that's not necessarily reason to forgive her and forget everything she did. If the MC is okay with being her friend after everything she did, that's fine, but it should be in light of everything she did, not regardless of everything she did.

Basically, understanding is not the same as forgetting, and forgiveness is not the same as understanding.

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