@axel I can say that at one i was reading both the english translation and yours side by side and there were times where I prefered the translation you did however translation accuracy shouldnt be about subjectively liking one meaning over the other since the authors intent in dialogue and context matters and i generally trust translators to know that. And I see, what youre doing makes sense to what the outcome was in this translation. Keep in mind when you translate from japanese to another language to english, its kinda like playing the game "telephone". Whatever sentence goes in wont be what comes out at the end and that discrepancy is why people get mad in bad to mediocre translations since meanings and the way we see characters can change based on subtle changes to their dialogue and speech (and ofc people will especially always make a fuss about obvious constant typos lol). Using google translate makes these issues worse since it has notorious problems with translating. Whatever algorithm it uses still cant distinguish well between certain nuances in syntax and diction or even colloquialisms to a language so translations using it often come out reading as unnatural speaking.
I want to emphasize that I do appreciate that hxh is being colorized and I know you probably work on this translation on your own and during your free time. I think thats cool. This is a pretty ambitious project so consider at least having someone read over the text for quality OR teaming up with a scannalation team to use their translation to save yourself that hassle.