Looking at the stats, it ends on chapter 48.5? So one last chapter than an epilogue? A bit disappointing. My biggest problem with movies, tv series, manga, novels, ln, and well pretty much anything with a story, is that they don’t seem to understand that a story shouldn’t end on the climax. A falling action, tied up loose ends, and epilogue, does wonders for making a story feel complete. I mean, I obviously haven’t read the next chapters, but I’m not expecting much in the way of closure from 1.5 chapters. I feel like the author could have at least pushed for it to end on chapter 50 and then did an epilogue. Right now we need a definite answer for 2 or 3 ships (depending on how serious that one kouhai/stalker was), both main characters to deal with the separation, a nice direction for the future, and whatever other plot points will come up in the next chapter. I don’t need every character’s entire future laid out, but I need something in the way of closure. I just feel like this series is ending far too suddenly (which is again a problem I see way too often), and that’s sad because I really enjoyed it. Regardless thanks for the translations until now and it’s been a fun ride.