I Aim For a Relaxed Life in Another World with the Fluffies! - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - With The Dark Merchant And The Elf

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
i take a real issue with this current no harm no foul attitude spread across all mangas... well and certain bits of society... i know a couple of users on this site that have that attitude

they attempted a heinous crime but since they werent strong enough this time lets not punish them?!?! wtf
lets reward them with freedom after they finaly picked a target that can fight back and bit them in the ass.... they caused who knows how many people to suffer immensely but hey why dont we just forget about it...
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
I just don't get the forced "drama" here, I think the manga would be totally fine without it already, but IF you do it, do it right, don't let people that enslave children for pedophiles just go... no matter the backstory...

@Roadrunner9000 Yeah, don't get me wrong, villains having a sad backstory is fine, but... that doesnt change that he is obviously a child trafficker and should be held accountable for that... I'am not in the "lets murder them all"-camp, but taking them to the authorities at least, its obviously something that is illegal even in that world after all...
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
for me it would depend on what i hear when i interrogate them... the greater the corruption in the surrounding areas the greater my violence
i mean what's the point when you deliver them to where they will be released anyway
But unless the whole region is one big trafficing ring i wouldnt kill them all just make sure they won't be able to do anything like it anymore...
for criminal slave traders i like my punishments biblical: karmic, quick and brutal
if possible i would sell them

im of the opinion a shitty childhood is no excuse to be a shitty adult and having received a trauma is no reason to cause the same trauma to others
as such to me a sad story wouldnt influence guilt or innocence it's something to be considered for the magnitude of the punishment and not necessarily positive
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Letting them go without even a threat to keep them from kidnapping more children? I guess the kids who get molested off camera aren't an issue.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
they would probably even make hitler sympathetic if they made his flashbacks about his art not getting accepted lol
fking why Japan?
are you also gonna give each and every rapist in your army in ww2 have sob story backgrounds?
Feb 11, 2021
Okay MC made a bad decision that will probably come back for him but imma see how it progresses then come back to this comment. Edit 1: I just saw that old man call MC beautiful I DON'T LIKE THAT
May 4, 2020
until now I was okay with the story, it had a few good points, but now, slowly, but steadily it's getting bad,
first the trope about I crave for rice/soysauce/miso and not only do I find it, no I also have all the necessary knowledge and means to make the exact food as in my previous life and to top it, really everybody likes it as much as I (that is not meant against asian food, but everyone has other taste, and something completely new will not be accepted from everyone)
second the story with that noble kid: if he wanted to recruit him, why didn't he just send him a formal invitation?!? completely useless suspense and drama
but there were a lot of good story points and I like those scenes with Orst, his cooking attempts and the thoughts about it from his familiars
but that chapter now, no, just no - dear author, please, either make a happy go lucky story, let your mc just explore the world and have adventures, add a little action with monsters and all persons are not worse than some drunkards who like to badmouth people
give us all kind of people, good and evil and all that lays between, give us different societies with different laws and habits, I fully for it, even one in which slavery is lawful is okay if you don't let the slaves be happy about it -
but don't give us a mc who is so "good" that he is kinda worse than the villains and that elf who is supposed to be experienced is acting the same...
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 14, 2024
Idk why but beta MC like this is a try hard “good guy”. His whole character is screaming
”look at me, I’m a polite, kind and really good guy”.

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