I Am Carrying Gold From the Post-Apocalyptic World

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
This is a very specific scenario that they keep wanting to visit and revisit over and over and over again with no worthwhile variation.

Also, the raws are for ants and the typesetting is horrid.

@immortalartisan There's pretty much nobody who doesn't rely on Chinese goods, you ignoramus. Fucking India can't even stop making use of them, and they're not exactly in love with China right now.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
Sounds like a rehash of mansion in a post apocalyptic world, just worse.
The gold thing was at least a side job, this it seems to be the main plot point.
My eyes are also not cybernetic implants from 2740. So don't think I can read this.
Double-page supporter
Jul 7, 2019
>see interesting looking manga
>click it
>see chinese flag
>leave immediately
but for real though, why do we gotta have chinese and korean shit on a manga website?
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
LemonsofLiberty? Really. The reason humanity is so shit is because of bigoted fools like you.

Apparently the source of something determines it value completely irrespective of it's quality.

Manga is just the primary term used to fully encompass comics in the East.

The complete illogical hatred of an entire country or populace for the actions of a few or historical grudges, makes absolutely no sense. Worse, when there isn't any such reasoning and your hatred is just blind bigotry.

Throughout history I can find some very detestable figures, even now in the modern day. It doesn't mean I'm going to judge an entire culture from their actions.

Chinese manhua and Korean manhwa both have excellent comics as examples. Of course many suck, but it's not as though Japanese Manga ONLY makes good comics.

I'm utterly shocked by your complete rejection of an entire (multiple) populace.

You don't see me hating on Germany for having a Hitler in their history. You simply disgust me, I'll be the bigger man AND NOT judge your entire cultural background based on your actions alone.
Active member
May 13, 2020
Better title?: Transporting gold in the post-apocalypse?
Somehow being grammatically incorrect makes it sound better
Jun 6, 2020
Actually surprisingly pretty decent one.
Though I dislike that the amout of actual manga to scanlation adverts is aprox 1:1
Mar 7, 2019
I Am Carrying Gold From the Post-Apocalyptic World
please somebody continue this series i beg u
Aug 17, 2019
Translation 1 star
No story in chap one or decent art 1 star
Description has credibility 2 star.
Not enough to read it tho. 2 star total.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
@Ziya68 @SessyHP @SevenTails @Xzider

What's the deal with the absolutely god awful upload sizes? every other panel is a different size and none of them match up.
Apr 23, 2020
@lemonsofliberty Cant tell if your fucking around and trolling. Or you are a massive fucking dickhead. No one cares why you clicked off. And the fact you think we do. Is Funny not everyone in China is bad. Also what did Korea do? Tf
Double-page supporter
Jul 7, 2019
I have literally never read any non-Japanese comics that have been good, ever. They don't exist. This is especially true for Chinese Comics, and somewhat true for Korean comics as well (I will not dignify them by calling them manga)

Every time I try to read Chinese comics, its the same martial arts OP protagonist crap, it's usually sexist or racist, with bonus points for including actual communist propaganda. I tried reading Release that Witch and it seemed okay until I realised the whole thing was CCP propaganda.

Korean comics are slightly better, they have a chance at being passable to read if you have nothing else, but they're all so predictable. Forced drama soap-opera garbage with incredibly forced "twists" so that the authors never have to finish what they're writing and can milk it forever. Who Made Me a Princess was like that. Decent enough for a non-Japanese comic at first, but then the king loses his memory because otherwise the plot would end and it all just went downhill from there.

Look at all the top manga on this website, notice something? It's all Japanese. This is because the Koreans and Chinese are not capable of writing anything as good as the Japanese are. The best rating a Korean or Chinese comic can get is around 8 stars, but only because the people voting them up are Koreans or Chinese spammers/bots who compete with actual manga readers to force their garbage comics to a higher rating than they deserve.

If we were being honest, the Korean comics deserve a 7/10 at best, the Chinese comics would never go higher than 5/10

It's not manga, its manhua or manhwa or whatever

We might as well let American comic books onto the website, put Superman or some other garbage on here since it's obviously not MANGAdex anymore

Either rename the site to comicdex or get that non-Japanese crap off of it. None of it is good, none of it should be here

I know most people agree with me, but are too shy to speak out. I'll say it: WE DON'T WANT NON-JAPANESE COMICS ON OUR MANGA WEBSITE
Apr 23, 2020
@LemonsofLiberty I disagree. There alot of Good Manhua/Manwha (Actually take that Back. Theres very few good chinese comics) But they are out there. Theres alot of Stuff thats on Par with Japanese manga. Like SLvling,Trash Count, Release that witch. Etc
Oct 4, 2020
@LemonsofLiberty @NomadKingR6 is right there are alot of good manga/manwha/manhua whatever you want to call it and there are also a lot of trash mangas but they don't deserve to get remove from mangadex you're just being selfish what if all manhua's and manhwa's disappeared from mangadex then what will happen to the people who like to read manhua and manhwa's? They will go to other shitty sites full of ads and bad UI like mangakakalot so they'll be troubled and imagine if all japanese manga's and your favorite manga gets remove from mangadex and only the manhua and manhwa's remain and then the mangadex will say that they removed all of the japanese manga because they're TRASH imagine what you would feel ofcourse you'll get angry because they called the manga you like trash so don't be selfish no one cares about your opinion anyway and the possibility of this website removing all manhua and manhua's are probably 0%
Sep 22, 2020
@LemonsofLiberty @NomadKingR6
You both make good points, True that most Chinese manhua are trashy and bad BUT there are some hidden gems hidden amongst the trash. E.g 'Heavenly Demon', 'Everlasting God of Sword', 'Gu Daoist Master', 'Solo Leveling' and 'Demonic Master'
(I'm pretty sure that the Chinese government stopped Gu Daoist Master from being published but I can't confirm it)

I agree with the CCP promotions and the blatant sexist in manhua's but I disagree that all non Japanese comics (Manwha/Manhua) should be taken off the website.

We can all see the Cons and Pros of Manga's, Manhwa's and Manhua's so instead of fighting about it why not just enjoy them as they are and if you don't like them don't read them but if you like them then read them.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
kinda like the series, seems decent enough for now, has some potential comin around. if i had a negative, it'd be the sheer number of extra pages tacked on by the group , seems like 6+ pages?
Dec 9, 2019
While I agree with @NomadKingR6 that good manhwa/manhua exist you have to admit that @LemonsofLiberty has a point.

Good Manhwas (Korean comics) aren't "too" hard to find and the average ones are at least readable, however a lot of them suffer from overly stretched out plots that worsen the story as a whole (look at DICE and you'll see what I mean 😔). However, I can't overlook Manhuas (Chinese comics), the best ones you can find (like this one for example) are a 6-7 at best. 95% of the manhwas on this site have Copy-Paste Plots, OP protagonists, 0 personality, lack of any cast diversity (gender/race), ect.

I don't think mangadex should change its name because a lot of new manga readers use "manga" as an umbrella term for all easter comics. TLDR: manga > manwha > manhua.

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