When you need to zoom out to maximum to read the manga...
The fit to width and fit to container/height sure don't always work as expected, when the source images are of a wonky stretched size.
@Madologist If you set the view to fit width, you can change the 'maximum container width' in settings to something like 700px for a better experience.
*injects 50cc’s of “I am a child of this house” straight into my veins* Oh yeah, that’s the cuteness I needed. *starts scratching arm* NoW wHeRe’S mOaR?!¿¡?!
Lmao that was weird lol.. I couldn’t pay attention to the words because of the stretch lmao I thought I was gonna get pulled into the 2D world soon if it kept stretching xD
just found this sweet... and binge read it in a day (faster if not because the cloudflare issue)
now I need my insulin or I would just carve for more...
I'm pretty sure the artist's just taking screenshots from Google SketchUp, but from what I can see the only external renderers for SketchUp are photorealistic ones anyway.
When will people learn that using 3D for a drawn comic is only okay if you use the 3D as a reference to draw over?