Right? Kinda helps keep me in the "only a story" headspace that the story itself focuses on how wacky their antics are and how much they enthusiastically own those antics, rather than, y'know, the crushing loneliness, insecurity, and fear of loss that would drive a real person to act like that.Ah these are the red flag relationships I'm totally on board for in a story and only a story.The cute art is also nice
Bro, I don't think this one's gonna be like... for you.I kinda hate these types of girls. They're attracted to emotionally distant playboys that will never commit to them. I think they subconsciously like crying over getting dumped again and again cause it makes them feel some type of way. She also does the same thing as she cycles through boyfriends while thinking about Rindou. He shouldn't waste his time with her since she will cheat on him at any opportunity.