neveah: hey-
trash: no
neveah: so-
trash: no
(continues for way too long)
trash: here ya go, divorce papers

neveah: ._.
*trash goes to war for 3 years*
*he returns and finds the papers signed*
trash: shockedpikachu.jpg
trash: y u no love me??
neveah: u serious mate?
*trash actually learns something about the person he's engaged to*
trash: omg!! so hey, u kinda cute ๐๐
neveah: wth go away
trash: wtf
*neveah gets engaged*
trash: !!! y u out here stealin' my gurl?
joachim: bro u don't even know her, go away
trash: wtf
anyways let's just yeet the trash and the sperm donor into the combustibles okay?