I Have Something to Tell You - Vol. 3 Ch. 65 - You will be loved.

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2018
"It's over... everyone in the audience looks pissed."

Not a terrible ending though, no police repercussion?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Happy ending. That’s real! None of that “this is reality” stupidity, everyone has their own happy ending and it is possible!
Jun 11, 2020
Okay, this ended better than I expected to be honest

Thank you for translating!!
Aug 15, 2020
The endoing of the first part was much more emotionaly impactfull, but this isn't bad at all!
Active member
Jan 29, 2018
Thanks for translating this series.
Doesn't look like the wife got any actual punishment though.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2018
Jan 21, 2019
The story arcs hit hard because it’s depressing subject matter, but it’s by no means any more real than something happy. You can have friends who support you, a family that loves you, and advancement to medicine have saved many lives especially to those who got immediate care.

Reality is full of hardship, of heartbreak, of tragedy, of death, and many more horrible things. But to say that is only reality is entirely pessimistic. People can be happy and things can work out, that’s the coin we flip in life.

Back to the story; each arc was tragic in that despite working to achieve something it falls flat or worse. Then there’s this happy ending, a moment where they are happy. Of course they will face more hardship, but the story ends in this moment. If you truly believe that life is sad, tragic, and meaningless, then I have something to tell you.
Oct 10, 2019
I am happy that the mute sis survived, but this still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Why isn't that wife in jail?

Thank you translators, but I doubt I will be around for this author's next work.
Oct 1, 2019
Ahhh I won't ever read anything from this author. Thanks for translating this.
Nov 10, 2019
If you read the horizon, you’ll see the author’s stories are all about his characters healing. Though he certainly does put his characters through horrifying adversity,
in the end it’s not ever about revenge or even justice. As you read this particular series it’s easy to be overwhelmed by bitterness and see it as the author downsizing the wrongdoings that happen, which is perfectly understandable; I couldn’t possibly imagine forgiving the man who violated her and then forced her to live with the guilt of killing him. But that ultimately makes Garam’s decision to forgive the wife of that man all the more shocking and powerful. She didn’t want any vengeance, even for her beloved twin not because she didn’t think much of they did to her (remember how she cried after hearing what she went through) but so she could give a chance for the wife to redeem herself. If you’re wondering if the wife is in jail, the answer is probably yes but what does that matter? After a cruel start to her life, Gahee manages to recover and live happily and loved by the people around her. Justice is great I guess, but more incredible is when a person shows overwhelming compassion and genuinely forgives even the worst criminal. As much as your personal feelings may tell you that this series is garbage, the author isn’t downplaying issues like rape, but rather showing the true power of forgiveness and how time can heal any wound (remember the horizon)
Whatever happened to the wife, I’m sure she truly feels sorry for what she has done, however I’m sure her outcome (whatever that may be) would have ended as another tragedy if Garam never forgave her. Even if she is serving the rest of her life in prison, Garam’s forgiveness probably gave her a happy ending too.

P.s. what’s remarkable is how the other character redeem themselves and forgive themselves too. Donghee seems to have gotten over that night and Shieon reconciled with her mother

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