@Heero101086 : he did not sell the magic book, please re-read what happened.
Also some people have this thing called a conscience, he sold the valuable book to pay the bill of the person he go the book from, who everything shown indicates is a long time and valued acquaintance, and still would have got to keep a tidy sum even if the old shop owner had not refused (since the sale was like what 4 times the cost of the bill).
Plus the connections he is making are the kind that will likely result in much more wealth in the long run then the cost of those bills would have, so a small sacrifice to help someone who enabled it, and he cares about is nothing.
Oh and lets see, but I would expect the selling, and why he did so, to be a large exp bonus (which is worth more then money) since it is something, based on your comment, few would do.