First this story is really just a shitty romance now. Second is the author a paranoid or is everyone in Korea creepy stalker-mode on their partners? Third, yeah if you're going to lie about having a boyfriend you've got to lie to EVERYONE. Where the lie is believable, where when you see them in person it's impersonal.
After all, it's a bigger scandal that you lied about it then it existing. She should of answered yes. My boyfriend actually helped introduce me to acting (pretty sure that's the case), since wasn't she just a university student before yet MC was a celebrity chef sorta?
2 chapters away. Definitely not the reason I'd drop it. Honestly think he should of never even dated her in the first place, she was using him from the first meeting literally. I bet she acts like a total bitch about it dumps him for her career, right? IT'S obvious why she didn't answer yes now, cause she already knew she was dumping him. I bet they haven't even had sex. Dude's a moron if that's so.
I don't really like Sumi, he only made her his girlfriend because she was pretty not even complimented her personality. they've been together for approximately a year but their trust in each other is so fragile!