I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! - Vol. 3 Ch. 12.1

Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Thanks for the update. Its really nice how the majority is so supportive with manga Yulan. Since the theme compared to the novel is different, I don't blame other people to not ship VioxYulan in the novel since his yandere tendencies are much more open (but I ship her with Yulan on both formats) in the novel but in the manga, I mean if you read his words too much, there are still traces of... possessiveness? But for the theme alone manga Yulan has everything Vio needs and ever wanted (to simply be loved), plus it helps that she's no longer interested with Claudia and Mirai is just needlessly pushing what doesn't need to be pushed.
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
@kingofhell99 again, the series itself has different themes in both formats, the only similarities they share are the name of characters and their circumstances/backgrounds and/or motivations.

As for your questions
last I've heard, the novel is on hiatus? Or the updates was just really slow? But I did try to MTL what I could.
Still, it is heavily implied the ML in the novel is Yulan (but a few people are turned off with him BECAUSE of his yandere tendencies, and it doesn't help that he's doing things behind Vio's back like planning something against MJ and her dad. For the former, semi taking advantage of her somehow deviated in this timeline interest on him *Yulan views her as a nuisance though*, for Dad, well... bastard had a long time coming). Basically, psychologically, it won't be healthy for Vio to end up with him since it'll be like dating her original more broken self.

Good news if you're a shipper of the ship like me, Vio has already realized her feelings for him recently, the bad news is she's still broken when she keeps overthinking with the things she did before that she honestly feels like she can never bring happiness to anyone and honestly keeps telling herself she deserves to be alone. Marin comforts her though and tells her she deserves as much as anyone to be happy and that she herself supports Yulan ship (since he makes Vio smile)

Additional small spoiler
Vio gets a genuine girl friend (an introvert like her)
Active member
Jun 1, 2019
Reading the comments I see that the pairing will be Vio x Yulan. I don't actually ship them... they just, don't have enough chemistry besides sibling-vibe in my opinion, granted that may change in the future. I also don't ship her with the first prince though. He is too naive and annoying in his views. Seriously, currently none of the boys deserve Vio. I actually support her original plan of becoming a nun lol. Let's see what will happen in the next chapter before I seriously considering in dropping this one.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
I have read some of the novel and let me tell you I hope they'll tone down Yulan's yandere tendencies. He is such a sweetheart here. He loves Vio very much T-T In my eyes it's not about who "deserves" Vio, but who Vio is happy with. If Yulan will make her feel loved I'm fine with this pairing. ♡
Nov 10, 2019
I just don't want Vio to end up with the prince. Anyone but the prince please he's too wishy washy and ignorant
Active member
Mar 12, 2020
I feel Yulan is better, but reading about his yandere side I just don't know.
Well he's definitely better than the prince for sure.
Active member
May 7, 2018
I feel like we're getting baited with the childhood friend ship.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
Dang mah boi yulan got brother zoned despite not confessing yet.

I just hope vio will choose him.. I preferred yulan than the trash Prince

Thank you sooo for the translations!!!
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 26, 2018
just what the fuck was going on with this series? i need to read it all again because i erased it from my memory.
Apr 1, 2020
FINALLY! AN UPDATE!! Thank youuuu!!! And yeah, I agree with all u peeps, Vio should be with Yulan, the prince isn't a good match.
May 9, 2019
Waaa an update! Hope more comes soon. Wish it wasn't only in "parts of a chapter."

Vio finally realizing Yulan is not just "little brother" material. Get with him! :p
I know some of what's coming cause of the WN and I know she thinks her love only causes problems, really sad how she views herself.... but yea, I do hope they end up together since I don't think the WN is done

@Hypothon Best ship is
Marin and Vio, I mean, Marin does love her, iirc, in that way. But glad she supports Vio's love and tries to support her to get Yulan, she's a really good person around Vio. I really was sad when I read Vio's inner thoughts about herself and how she thinks her love only brings misery for others so she doesn't feel like she deserves love.... breaks my heart cause Vio is a good girl.

Yulan's yandere tendencies are... worrying and I hope he'll improve as a character, but he's also still good for Vio too

I don't remember, what happens with Vio's father? Iirc doesn't Yulan work to basically destroy him/his status and more?

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