@xXPenisXx: That's interesting. If one expresses an opinion of a certain sort, he can expect opposition and eventually condemnation for even opening his mouth. If one expresses an opinion of another sort, he can expect hearty agreement--and nothing else.
Does it take being "so consumed" by "culture war propaganda" to actually have tastes, and to know where those tastes came from? A man once said that "politics is downstream of culture". More relevantly and patently, I would say that art itself is downstream of culture, as well--and downstream of those are human tastes. Our tastes will influence and motivate us to comment on entertainment we consume, and--last I checked--the comments section of a given form of entertainment exists for exactly that purpose. You call it a "fight". I call it a "discussion"...or at least that's what it was to me. If you won't discuss such a thing here, then where?
Perhaps nowhere at all would be preferable to you, as long as the opinions are like mine?