God I really love this manga... it just feels like every chapter has a purpose, even a wholesome chapter where nothings going on just feels so good AND adds a but more of foreshadowing. I can't wait for the inevitable punch in the gut.
I hope the author can comfortably write this series the way they wanted until the end without the pressure of axe (low chance bcus this series I think is popular in jp)
I have been spoiling the next episodes for myself just in case I need to take a sick day. I will report in incase I need to warn y'all to either get tissues or buy a gun 🫡
Just explain she has a desease that doesnt let her PHYSICALLY age, as long as she isnt mentally stunted like she has been some people will understand... i think? I mean, that kinda illness exists in real life so?? Uh the only difference is that they are NOT immortal