I Was Summoned to Be a Saint, but Was Robbed of the Position - Ch. 4.2

Active member
Mar 21, 2020
For those interested, scrolling through this forum post will give you a rough spoiler list of each chapter of the webnovel. (Warning: The spoiler list is not well-written, and the MC is very stupid. Read at own risk of aneurysm. )

Apparently, the skills people have are based on their personalities. Parasite-chan wants to be liked by people, so she has charming/brainwashing abilities. MC has actual healing abilities because she does genuinely like helping people.
Yes, Parasite-chan gets exposed for not being able to actually heal sh*t. Unfortunately, it might take a couple manga chapters before that happens.
Based on the spoilers above, the guy that is now claiming to be MC’s “boss” is “Lek”, the general she is looking for and also the 5th prince of the other country.
Parasite-chan’s previous influence back on Earth gave MC self-esteem issues, and she (MC) doesn’t necessarily go for revenge. (Lotta angry people in the forum) She does torture asshole prince (the one who married parasite) with “reverse-healing” pain magic, though, and she repeatedly calls out Parasite for her BS later on.
As the original plans for war (the original plot of the otome game) implode on themselves due to Parasite not being a healer, she and her corrupt supporters try to jump ship and run like MC to other country...
Read the rest yourselves with the link above.
Nov 11, 2019
This is so stupid why is she going with them to the place she wanted to escape from? She has an all powerful magical beast and said in a past chapter she could disappear.
Was that all nonsense?
Also how he fuck is pretty boy her boss? She already did the favour for him now she's gotta be his bitch? She needs to get a goddamned spine.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
It's more of a information gathering mission is my guess, the swordsman guy is trying to figure out what the heck is going on (all of this could have been avoided had everyone just communicated better, really dumb),
that said if the spoilers i read are right, the next couple of chapters are going to be kind of dumb, as in the mc is capable of more than just healing, but also reverse healing, and they literally could have avoided all of this had they actually just talked, nothing really happens other than making the orglow idiots including evil friend look like a bunch of idiots and a escape sequence that's more like a slow walk with people scared to mess with them, oh and the swordsman guy there's more to him than he seems, if she was in any real danger he could probably fight anything they tried but we don't find that out until later in the story (he's kind of a troll, but he's also the ML)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019
@eminyan Temper tantrum? Treason? What are you talking about? The country already tried to kill her and she's running to another country in an attempt to stay alive. Not to mention she was never a citizen in the first place. This is WAY beyond simple temper tantrums and treason doesn't even apply here.

The only thing the country knows is that a possibly talented healer exists. That's it. That's like saying that there's a good doctor in the next town over. No country would investigate rumored healers to see if they're a risk or an asset, how in the world would a good healer be a risk to the country? Remember, it's all rumors here, there's no downsides whatsoever if rumors turn out to be false. Her life and death are in question here, what's convenient for the town are not relevant.

The other summoned "saintess" already tried to kill her off already (they left her for dead in ch1), in that conflict the MC also used her magic to attack the soldiers, convincing them that she is evil (e.g. There's motive in addition to the false saintess words now to be hostile to the MC). She's been trying to hide from their notice since then and escape the country entirely before she's found again. The natural extension of that is her instant reaction to jump out the window and run, rumors are good, but being identified leads to a bad end. It's also already established many times over, that she needs to be in the other country to prevent the death of their general. Her going back to the capital now is the most absurd whiplash moment possible, and makes no sense. Even if she isn't in danger of immediate execution (They think she's already dead), she is moving away from the general she needs to save as well as losing all control over her own situation and ability to move freely.

At this point the only thing the country would reasonably know is that there are rumors of talented healer. That's it. There is no real risk to the town she's in, or to herself if she did just jump out the window, the country sent civil servants with an escort, not a military kill squad here. The real risks however do become possible if she does go the capital where people who can recognize and identify her as the evil saintess likely exist. She's simply asking for them to try and kill her again by going back now.

This really feels like the author forcing events that story-wise, would not happen naturally.
Active member
Mar 21, 2020
He’s the 5th prince of the country MC wants to join, and he’s also the ML and general that she wants to heal in order to prevent the war.
MC hasn’t realized it yet, but she’s literally talking to the General.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Well at least they're going to the capital now, so the scene we got at the start of Chap 1 can happen. I was a bit worried that was something they decided to show us that wouldn't actually happen till ages in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Treason? She's not a citizen of any country in this world and the one that summoned her already threw her away and wrote her off as dead, she's free to go where ever. Especially since they were sending her to a monastery in a war zone expecting her to die but the guy taking her stabbed her and called her a demon, Hime probably beat that horse until it died when he came back with that news.

She could have easily incapacitated all the emissaries in a few seconds like she did her first attackers if she really wanted to escape, and since they're knocked out she could kill them or tie them up for more time to get to the border. She's already at a border town and if word of her has reached all the way back to the empire it's probably crossed the border she's closer to and caught a few people's attention, even her "boss" is interested in the healer and he's from the enemy nation.
She'd have a better chance of escaping to the other country if she's saved up any of the money made from her potions, the main issue was not having enough money in the first place to leave but since they've been selling to other clinics that shouldn't be a problem anymore. And now this solider with connections has shown up and offered to help her across

How can she care about one clinic when she's already said a nation under Hime deserves to collapse and no she won't help them, that same clinic is in that same nation. And she just shouted out last chapter inside that clinic next to it's owner she's ready to destroy that nation and as no connections there at all. Luckily for the clinic the solider offer to protect that place during the coming war but what about the rest of the nation, they're pretty much SOL even though they plan on making this war a short one people are still going to die.

I feel like she cares more about herself and her revenge anyways, her plan is to heal the general so that Hime won't climb to the top during the war and come after her later. She probably could have lived a quiet life pretending to be a minor healer since those exist then once she's saved enough money left that country or become the saintess for the enemy nation all she'd have to do is mass heal the people at the border in some huge miracle like spectacle, she's already in a war zone going through a cease fire, could have healed all the soldiers for an easy way to meet their general or king. But instead we're waiting for her reputation to spread so when the general inevitably becomes sick they'll go looking for her but who would have thought the empire would hear about her before the general gets sick so she gets captured by the empire.🥴
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2019
Wait, so it was all a waste of time? At least I like mc, would a little more of decisiveness would do her good though-
May 11, 2019
Yes I understand the position the mc is in and the danger that could happen around her and her people BUTT
it DOES NOT follow up with her character.

That one scene where she decides to not TWIDDLE HER THUMBS and do her own shit from now on confuses me

Like now she is just doing whatever that guy is saying to do I don't care if he is the main lead screw that. And the knights that marched right in didn't even seem all that malicious to be honest.
They couldv'e just lied and she could have easily hid or left Like its not that much happening when the knights were chill about it.
She is contrdicting what she said and usually that means the author did it intentionally which is good sometimes! but on the other hand they dont know what the heck they are doing . And that means the manga will eventually drop for me. I just didnt like that decision but I will continue reading till I cant bear it anymore. I enjoy stories like these but that just made it irritating for me
Jul 18, 2019
No wonder Hime could exploit her with her indecisiveness.
I know, dont blame the victim but when victim foreseen the hole jumped into the hole and then AGAIN fall into the same hole.
And the art kinda irritating + the story is all over the place.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Gotta agree with @Sasasachi - the MC is a fucking braindead moron. Hope they exploit her to the fullest and then just kill her, all within one chapter so we don't have to suffer a billion chapters of this useless waste of pixels that pretends to be the MC.
Dec 26, 2019
Her faces are much funnier than I remember lol

The ML is kinda annoying, ngl, first he tries to charm her & then he makes her to go back to the capital just out of his curiosity - I guess she's definitely a strange girl he can't get a good read on, so suspicious & cautious until he says he's from an enemy country at which point she jumps for joy lol "yahoo let's destroy this country I'm working for!"

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