I Will Die Soon - Ch. 65

Jul 6, 2018
@Lithe I had the same question myself, and my colleagues answered that it's mainly Korean law in play. They don't censor guns because it's apparently very hard to acquire one in the country, so a crime involving one is very low. However, knives are obviously commonplace, so they have to censor that to deter any crime involving one. How effective is that? I would assume not at all. But here we are anyways.
Sep 30, 2019
If the concept of death exists as a type of God or something I would be calling out life and asking for some mf lemons to throw at death because she pulled a bitch ass move there you don't allow torture to go on for 30 years
Mar 4, 2020
I like the concept of the story.
But like I said 20 chapters earlier, the MC hasn't done nearly enough to deserve that punishment.
It would've been interesting if he actually did something terrible.

Not saying suicide doesn't bring consequences to your family, but killing the mom (her conscience at least) and torture him 30 years.. What are we supposed to get from that ?
Aggregator gang
Mar 30, 2019
so what happened to moms soul?

well i guess i mean what happens to the conscious of the people whose bodies hes getting? never though about it until it was his mom
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
@Lugdu Yeah, I think the story made Death appear too much like a villain that needs to be defeated, and the protagonist, an unfortunate victim of hers.

Because of this, the ending would feel pretty unsatisfying if Death doesn't face any consequences, even if the protagonist can somehow get a happy ending.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
I don’t know how this will end but this is sick, even for Death’s standards :/
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
Okay, no, fuck Death and fuck anything she has to say, that shit cross a line and she can get fucked with all her talk about the higher up that judge people with scales and shit, fuck her.

There is a limit even to the 'fuck you, i'm a god' argument.
Feb 13, 2018
Possibly one of the closest times Its been where I almost cried to a manga. Just imagining the pain the mother went through was hard enough, seeing some of it as it happened was painful. Its probably safe to assume since he's lived 30 years now, assuming this follows the same rules as before, the mother likely ended things herself.
Jun 27, 2020
Everything except for the thirty year time skip was predictable.

I said this last chapter. Death has become a bland character. The MC has apparently nailed down the limitations of death. Death cannot do anything but make people die. That's in stark contrast to the all-powerful image of Death from earlier. And it came so abruptly. It should've been so obvious that the MC would commit suicide eventually. This series literally started that way. And yet, Death was surprised when he does it again? That was weak.
Double-page supporter
Apr 3, 2020
There's a difference between being petty and having disdain for humanity in its entirety. I don't hate dogs in general, but my neighbor's dogs are a burden to my existence.

She's tormenting Ijae because he made it personal, he shifted all of his failures onto her to run away from the blame.
She believes that humans aren't even worth a second thought. Just like you don't care about the ants on the sidewalk, until one sneaks up your pant leg and bites you.
Active member
Sep 8, 2019
Meh, this was one the most predictable outcomes so I was kinda hoping for something else, but ah well. This was still a good read nonetheless.
Oct 30, 2019
I felt this was coming, but his mother wasn't going to die right?
I mean Death just wanted him to learn and did this because he was actually so arrogant and was just ending himself without learning.

I wonder what's going to happen next.
Thank you for the update.😇😊
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
@MrMcNasty I don't know how that makes her not malicious. And given her behavior, it would not be at all surprising if she held the same disdain towards the rest of humanity as she does to the protagonist.

Given the sheer number of human beings, past and present, it would be extremely improbable if not outright impossible for no other person to have similar thoughts as he did in seeing death as nothing more than a means to an end. But Death herself has already said that the protagonist is nothing special in thinking that way, and it was just really bad luck that he caught her attention on a bad day.

If we use your ant analogy, with every human being an ant, and the protagonist's dismissive opinions on death being an ant bite, Death would be covered in ant bites, and yet she only decided to single out one ant out of the vast number that bit her. And unlike most people, she didn't just kill the ant and move on with her day, she chose to torture it for that single bite.

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that she's done this to other people in the past, actually. But that doesn't change the fact that she's a petty and cruel bitch for doing something like this.
Aggregator gang
Nov 9, 2018
Damn are we near the ending or something

Gotta wait for a week now

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