I Will Go and Disappear Obediently - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Morning of Determination

Nov 2, 2018
@Shamz the akashic record is essentially gods knowledge of literally everything, past present and future

Think of it like a library kind of. Usually a story actively uses the name as a plot point so if it isnt said, it isnt part of the story.

In this case its jusy the esper powers of precognation, and the character probablt considers ESP =/= magic
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Shamz : there is always a chance of a mistranslation, that or the dream could be a 1 time bonus with her past life memories returning.

In the webnovel she did have magic that would be rare and valuable, but not attack magic. Her parents felt attack magic was more valuable for filling their families roll. In terms of Final Fantasy games she was a white mage, and her brother a black mage.

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Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@benviet : This chapter does not show the problem fully, the web novel explains it a bit better and she is still a child even with her past life memories. Her parents and grand parents start infighting over who should succeed the title (the exact thing her family traditions are set up to prevent, and it started from things beyond her control). The only way to stop this in her mind is remove the cause, which would be get rid of her, her brother or her parents. Her brother or parents would require the dying in "accidents" which we can see her being against, so disappearing (she plans to go to another country and live as an adventurer) is the best option she can see.

Keep in mind she does not know and did not see everything, but avoiding the inheritance dispute is 100% needed as if she is still there and her brother takes the title then their tradition to prevent succession disputes is gone permanently, so the disaster would just come up again in the future and not be prevented. The only other option would be to do something to make it so she can not inherit which would be more dangerous, could cause long term issues, and likely still require she disappears from noble society (due to shame and dishonor). If she disappears then the brother has to take the title without breaking the tradition so th infighting that leaves an opening never occurs.

The problem is her parents are willing to knowingly destroy a tradition that helps keep the country safe, to replace the proper (and qualified otherwise there would not have been the infighting to cause the issue) heir for someone with one ability the value above hers , and willing to destroy their family to do so.
Mar 30, 2019
hmm interesting . . .
if she runs away, won't her family look for her??? they seem nice . . .
but I guess, going out to see the world might be better for her, she can get stronger and independent
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Can't she step down and give inheritance right to her brother?
And in raw I saw her use heal is she really can't use magic?

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Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Doesn't change that the easier, simpler, and the more obvious choice is simple persuasion. Hell, she could go the "Separated, we are weak, together we are strong" and have them both work together as head of the family and vice head, with her as technical head whilst her brother is the face, or vise versa.

Either way, there are so many other alternative ways for her to do achieve this other than literally running away, which, if I may be frank, would likely cause even more uproar than if she didnt do anything and happily agreed that she wouldn't be the head of the family.

Either way, her plan is cliche, her idea is stupid, and her goal is so easily achieved without such extreme measures that I am almost experiencing anurism from the sheer stupidity of it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Elmithian : Except all that would have been tried the first time though, her grandparents did voice objections and they have very valid reasons for why they should never do what she knows they will do. Talking will not work when you're dealing with people who do not listen, and the first time her parents were not listening and it was not due to a lack of an emotional bond.

Her parents created the infighting that weakened their country because they did not care about anything other than the position going to the child who had 1 ability the other did not. It is tradition that is heavily ingrained in their family, for very valid reasons that they all knew about, and her parents knowingly broke it for trivial reasons.

The problem is not something that she can talk her way out of, this is 1 test result at 1 point in time that she can not modify causing multiple people to knowingly break their deeply ingrained rules and discard years of work and preparation. It is not something she can talk her way out of, especially the way parents treat their children's concerns. That and the 180 they made in the first iteration means that talking it out is to risky, not when a nation's security is as risk, the MC is not going for a plan that MIGHT (but is unlikely to) work, she is going for a plan that WILL work.

Talking has next to no chance of success, this is not a case of them not knowing what they are doing, and the parents did not listen when the grandparents (who are badasses that they respect) objected the first time.

The problem is only 1 person can be in charge, and only that person inherits the house, peerage and title. IT CAN NOT BE F%*&ing SHARED. That is not how noble titles work, and their plans would have had had one being subordinate to the other by default.

Everything with this is just made worse by the noble politics involved. She knows she is dealing with people who will not listen and abandon everything for foolish reasons. the only thing she can do is minimize the scandal and damage it would cause to to the nation's security. Talking it out has to low a chance, the position can not be shared, so all that is left is for her to remove herself from the line of inheritance. Once she is out that basically means no longer being a noble as she can not stay a member of the family or else she would set a precedence where their tradition is shot and another crisis will just happen in a future generation.

As long as she is still in the nation (or even presumed to be alive) it causes problems. In disappearing she likely needs to fake her death as well, otherwise it could cause problems with her brother taking the position and the perceived legitimacy of him inheriting the title (and he needs to be seen as legitimate). Heck I would not even want to be in that nation afterwards, so surviving in another country kind of makes sense.

The only other option would be for her to marry someone whose status required her to be removed from inheriting the title, which is pretty much just the prince, since lower or equal rank would not fix the issue.

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Since first pages: she both truck-kun'ed and can see the future. Just why? We have two wasted pages of "i'm an ordinary schoolgirl" that would amount to nothing of value.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019

Uhm mate? Put this shite in spoiler tab! This is stuff we haven't been given info about at all! How the fuck was I supposed to know any of that given the info the manga has granted so far?

And irl? Titles have been shared multiple times in history! Don't go cursing me and claim it can't be done when history argues against it. Yes, it can lead to things going badly, but it has also gone well.

You don't need to curse and act arrogant just because you have read the wn and thus know ahead of time that my points will be revealed to be invalid.

I was giving my thoughts with the info we have at hand here. And by the info we got in the manga so far, my suggestions were perfectly reasonable.

Sheesh, no need to go on a tirade because I haven't read the novel. I feel like that is kind of bloody going too far.
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
Running away from home, so "wise", wisdom of an "ordinary highschool girl"
Feb 4, 2018
Same as others, i don't see why the isekai is here, it's useless and to be frank, could just make me drop this manga right here.

Well, i know not to judge a story with the first chapter(s), so i continue, but i hate when a Isekai serve no purpose.
Active member
Nov 10, 2019
Hmm, the isekai is not even needed here but I think that helped her defending her side from the prince and think ahead for the future

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